I need to modify a plugin’s asset installation routines to handle
deployment in a WAR file, where there is no “public” directory.
So I’m looking for a programmatic way to key on the fact that I’ve
deployed via WAR file into a container? I’m thinking maybe I can detect
the absence of the “public” directory under RAILS_ROOT? Maybe an env.
var. set in web.xml? Another way?
Also, note that a standalone JRuby run of the app would have a public
directory (as normal) so using RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ is not enough.
You could use Rails.public_path for this. I have no idea in which
version of
Rails was this introduced, but I think there’s also an alternative in
PUBLIC_ROOT constant. This will be also set if you use a recent version
warbler, and these will point to your real public direcotry.
László’s solution is, much likely, the best one but I have another
suggestion that might be good if you are using Rails 1.2.x, for
instance: by
default, JRuby-Rack initializes a constant named PUBLIC_ROOT and you
just check it’s existence in config.rb. Here’s the code:
PUBLIC_ROOT = “#{RAILS_ROOT}/public” if !defined? PUBLIC_ROOT
I put the value of that constant in an environment variable just for
convenience. And those lines make development and deployment flexible -
assets will be installed in the default public root, no matter what
(.WAR or
not, JRuby or MRI, etc.). But, again, stick to László’s solution if you
using Rails 2.x+.
[]'s, Renato.
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