jQueryUI autocomplete (Rails 3.1): can't get source as url to work


I’m able to duplicate everything in Ryan B.’ screencast on jQueryUI
except for the piece that calls the server for completion data.

Here is my view html:

Now, this coffeescript works…

source: [‘foo’, ‘food’, ‘four’]

…whereas, this coffeescript trying to tap the server…

$(‘#search-markets’).autocomplete →
source: $(‘#search-markets’).data(‘autocomplete-source’)

…results in http POST calls to the root and not the
data-autocomplete-source value of ‘/searches’.

Bates’s railscast uses a textfield in the context of a RESTful form, but
don’t expect this difference between his code and mine should explain my
unexpected POST.

Any thoughts?


On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Lille [email protected] wrote:

size=“50” type=“text” autocomplete=“off”>

…results in http POST calls to the root and not the
data-autocomplete-source value of ‘/searches’.

There seems to be nothing wrong in your code. All I can think of that
causes this is if another dom element
has an id of search-markets. Can you confirm that your view only has
dom with this id?

There seems to be nothing wrong in your code. All I can think of that
causes this is if another dom element
has an id of search-markets. Can you confirm that your view only has one
dom with this id?

Yes, I confirm. I modified the code to ensure no interference…

$(’#search-markets’).autocomplete ->
source: “/searches”

For what it’s worth, the coffeescript compiles to this…

$('#search-markets').autocomplete(function() { return { source:

“/searches” }; });

I see other approaches using more of the autocompletion settings,
callbacks, but I wonder why my simple attempt fails.


On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Lille [email protected]

source: “/searches”

For what it’s worth, the coffeescript compiles to this…

$('#search-markets').autocomplete(function() { return { source:

“/searches” }; });

Ah it’s stupid of me not to see the difference. Remove → and it should

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On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Lille [email protected]

source: “/searches”

That’s the right js. You should paste here the code which handles
to /searches.

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That’s the right js. You should paste here the code which handles
requests to /searches.

Here’s a curl to confirm that the resource works…

curl ‘http://localhost:3000/searches?term=s
[“seom”,“some marker”,“some market”,“some market”,“some market”,“some
market”,“some market”,“some market”,“some market”,…]

Could it be the response format? I don’t think so, I get positive
when I do something like this…

source: (request, response) →
$.getJSON(“/searches”, { term: request }, (response) →

$.each(result, (i, val) → console.log("fuck: "+val)))

select: (event, ui) →
window.location = ui.item.value

I’d just like to know why the simple form fails.

I guess I’ll drop this soon, as it feels idiosyncratic without broader

Final call for any comments!


For what it’s worth, the coffeescript compiles to this…

$('#search-markets').autocomplete(function() { return { source:

“/searches” }; });

Ah it’s stupid of me not to see the difference. Remove -> and it should

No, doing that results in no network activity from the widget, at all –
kills it.

This is what the code compiles to without ‘->’…

source: “/searches”

That looks better to me, but it’s not happening.


I’d just like to know why the simple form fails.

Turns out that a customized autocompletion file that I had included from
vendor/assets/javascripts was superseding jquery-ui and, once removed, I
got the expected behavior – so, this was completely one-off. Sorry not
have noticed it, sooner.
