[JOBS] Junior Rails developer with experience looking for job

Hi there.

I work in Rails from about year. In past half year i was working full
time as Rails developer.

Currently I’m looking for work as Rails developer. It’s hard to find
work in my living city in Poland. Employers don’t event response
sometimes even after interview.

So, I’m jobless from about 2 months. I left my first company to take a
part of pre-incubation of some seed capital where our project was
invited to. Unfortunately our team didn’t get funds, so here I’m.

To be honest I didn’t except that will be so hard to find job for Rails

Maybe is here someone who is actually looking for Rails developer?
I’m ready to emigrate.

I know that have to learn a lot.
Everything I know about IT i learnt on my own. Programming is my passion
discovered about 6 years ago.

I’m Mateusz and I’m 20, it was nice to meet You.

On Oct 13, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Mateusz Buryła wrote:

part of pre-incubation of some seed capital where our project was
discovered about 6 years ago.

I’m Mateusz and I’m 20, it was nice to meet You.

Likewise! There was some mention a short while back that Germany is
really hot for German (or English) speaking Rails devs. Your written
English looks very good, haven’t seen your Ruby, but you might want to
look in that direction, seeing as it’s nearby.



Likewise! There was some mention a short while back that Germany is
really hot for German (or English) speaking Rails devs. Your written
English looks very good, haven’t seen your Ruby, but you might want to
look in that direction, seeing as it’s nearby.

You’re right. Germany and UK looks promising.


Thank You