JOB: coders/developers needed for social commerce site. Board consists of public company CEOs, VC fo

Soletron – Job Description
My co-founder and I are seeking a motivated, well-educated and
experienced candidate to join our team as we construct an e-commerce
and social networking platform
We seek someone who, like us, wishes to venture out on his or her
own, with the intent of creating a product and building a company from
the ground up
Will report directly to the founders/CTO and may be expected to
recruit and manage the tech team (if hired as CTO)

Business model:
E-commerce platform and blog with auction-based functionality
Social networking
Emphasis on usability/functionality and beautiful design

Advisory Board consisting of very high profile members, including
two former public company CEOs, a VC company founder, a very well-
known professional athlete, and an internet/digital media investment
Founders with successful track records in retail, investment banking
and as investment professionals in the venture capital/private equity
CEO is the owner/founder of a well known specialty retail boutique
operating in our target industry
Opportunity for the Lead Developer/CTO to take ownership in the
creation of a very exciting company from the ground up and lead the
tech team

Prior experience desired but not necessary in building e-commerce/
payment processing platforms
Front end/back end experience with management skills and leadership
Top tier education in programming/coding/computer science
Should be able to present prior completed work
Honesty, integrity and good communication skills a must

Relevant experience/languages:
Ruby on Rails, PHP programming / OOP / Multi-tier-MySQL-Apache-Linux
(LAMP), MVC Framework(Zend, Symfony,CakePHP), XML, JSON, CVS, SVN,
AJAX, Adobe Flex / AIR / ActiveScript, JavaScript (YUI,
JQuery),Network Administration/Security/Configuration, Apache web
server, Email (Sendmail, Postfix,Qmail), DNS-BIND servers, WAP, High
Availability / Cluster systems, X-Window, Linux/Windows/Unix operating
systems,Web Services (SOAP, RPC, RSS, JSON), Cloud computing (Amazon
web services S3, E2)

Please submit inquiries/resume/prior completed work to
[email protected]

On Jan 11, 2011, at 6:39 PM, Shane wrote:

Soletron – Job Description
Relevant experience/languages:

Just to be really clear . . .

Ruby on Rails, PHP programming

Because you coded in PHP to date and want to port to Ruby?

MVC Framework(Zend, Symfony,CakePHP)

Are you really using all three in the current code base? Given this is a
Rails list I’m guessing you’re planning to port the code to Ruby/Rails
anyway …


Wow - how old is the code base? Svn I get, but you have code in cvs or
need to connect to cvs repo’s? (And to mirror what most people are gonna
say, go with git or mercurial if you have the option - very few good
reasons to use svn on a green field app)

Email (Sendmail, Postfix,Qmail),

All three? And along with some of the other network stuff, considering
getting out of that business day 1 and using something like Heroku so
you can focus your coder on coding.

DNS-BIND servers

Really? Unless you have a really unique app, this is commodity. You
don’t want to waste programmer time configuring, locking down and
maintaining in house DNS servers.

Web Services (SOAP, RPC, RSS, JSON)

The only reason for someone to know SOAP on this list is (a) so they can
connect with painful legacy systems (I get that could be possible in
retail for inventory) or (b) so they can be thankful they use RESTful
web services and don’t have to deal with that stuff any more. If you
want to complete the usual annoying acronym soup, you missed XML. On a
separate note, if you can find a programmer who can’t figure out json,
run very quickly in the other direction.

Best Wishes,

Yeah that really is an acronym soup he has there. I suspect that they
haven’t got the faintest technical idea and so are throwing everything
including the kitchen sink into the pot. WAP, X-Windows? Hopefully
there is a damn good reason for listing these, but I suspect that
there isn’t.

Of course saying where they are located would be a bonus :slight_smile:

On Jan 12, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Peter H. wrote:

Of course saying where they are located would be a bonus :slight_smile:

Well at least they didn’t say “local applicants preferred” :slight_smile:

Unless it was a test - figure out where we’re located or you don’t have
the initiative we want of applicants . . .

Best Wishes,

On 12 January 2011 14:34, Peter B. [email protected] wrote:

Unless it was a test - figure out where we’re located or you don’t have the
initiative we want of applicants . . .

Could be but then again I don’t look too closely at ads that don’t
mention location so it could be seen as self defeating. Cryptic and
incompetent look much the same :slight_smile:

But then why mention ‘NFL athlete’ in the subject line, is it meant to
pique our interest? Not sure I want to work somewhere where the
founder is a jock.

Tell me about the location, the offices, the local bagel shops, the pay.

I genuinely want to know why they included WAP and X-Windows. In an
interview I would judge the company on the answer they gave to such a