[JOB] App re-write

I have an application that needs to be rewritten in Rails and am
the process of identifying potential vendors and obtaining bids. The
is currently written in Perl / Catalyst though I do not believe that a
of experience in that language / framework will be an obstacle. The
objective of the re-write is to reproduce the app’s existing
from an end-user perspective. Bidders will be able to use the existing
and will have access to a set of training videos. I’m interested in
getting this done quickly, so one-man-shops will not be considered. If
you’re interested, please contact me at my business email address: bill
raybec dot com. Replying to the list, rather than to the email address
given in the last sentence, will be taken as evidence of an inability to
follow simple instructions. If you do so, do not not expect a reply.

Best regards,