Billy H. wrote:
I usually named $j for jQuery.
Then, you can use $j(…) to do something with jQuery and use $ to do
something with Prototype.
I think maybe you must modify some code in scripts.js or try include
jquery.color.js and scripts.js after you define jQuery.noConflict();
<%= javascript_include_tag “jquery” %>
<%= javascript_include_tag “jquery.color”, “scripts” %>
On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Radha L. <
[email protected]> wrote:
below is my rhtml file…and i followed the sequence given below… My
section_title(params[:controller]) %> : <% end %>DashGo
> CFC on Rails:
> Only two surfaces of a box:
Posted via
Thanks for the suggestion… bt it fails…
below is my scripts.js file… and it fails with the error
$(“ tr:nth-child(even)”) is null
i tried using jQuery in place of $ in scripts.js. it had been working
properly. all the functionalities were working. but wen i implemented
lightbox, lightbox was not working properly. bt wen i undo the changes
in scripts.js lightbox works fine…
How to modify scripts.js… below is the script.
DashGo scripts (utilizing jQuery 1.2.3)
Developed by Noah Lazar, Saforian
/* — Initialize page — */
// Stripe row colors
// Insert document icons
// CSS3 first and last child replacement
$(“.columns .col:last-child”).addClass(“last-child”);
$(“.three .col:first-child”).addClass(“first-child”);
// Popup Help
// Hide/show boxes
// Collapsable boxes
// IE6 interface fixes
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 6) {
// Selectable data tables
// Yellow fade messages (requires jquery.color.js plugin)
$(“.notice, .warning”).animate({ backgroundColor:“#e7e7e7” }, 2200);
// Select box navigation
location.href = $(this).val();
// Toggle hide/show/edit for boxes
function initToggleBoxes(){
// Hidden box initialization
// Show box
// Show destination box
// Hide this link (close link should be within box)
return false;
// Hide box
var link = this;
// Hide box
$(this.hash).slideToggle("fast", function(){
// Show original open link
$("a[href=" + link.hash + "][rel=show]").show();
// Cancel edit mode if possible
$(link.hash).find("div.edit:visible a[rel=cancel]").click();
return false;
// Edit fields
// Hide the "view" box and show the "edit" box
return false;
// Cancel editing fields
// Hide the "edit" box and show the "view" box
return false;
// Delete links
return confirm(“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”);
// Selectable data tables
function initSelectables() {
$(“table.selectable tr:has(td)”).click(function(){
if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { return; }
// Go to destination based on row URL
var url = $(this).attr("rel");
if (url != "") { location.href = url; }
// Collapsable boxes
function initCollapsables() {
// Collapse closed boxes
// Add wrapper link for title text (to allow for keyboard navigation)
$(“.collapsable .title>h3”).not(“:has(a)”).wrapInner(“”);
// Process toggle
$(“.collapsable .title>h3>a.toggle”).click(function(){
// Slide up and change arrow
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version <= 6) {
// Animation does not work in IE6
} else {
return false;
// Popup Help
function initPopupHelp() {
// Since we’re fading, apply opacity fix to Firefox
if ($.browser.mozilla && $(“.help”).size() > 0) {
$(“body”).css(“opacity”, “.99999”);
// Add wrapper
// Hide text
$(“.help .text”).hide();
// Insert help icon
// Hover action
// Fade in help text
$(this).find(“span.text:hidden”).animate({ opacity:“show”,
bottom:“-=20” }, “normal”);
// Fade out help text
$(this).find(“span.text:visible”).animate({ opacity:“hide”,
bottom:“+=20” }, “fast”);
// Keyboard tab access
// Fade in help text
$(this).find("span.text:hidden").animate({ opacity:"show",
bottom:“-=20” }, “normal”);
// Fade out help text
$(this).find(“span.text:visible”).animate({ opacity:“hide”,
bottom:“+=20” }, “fast”);
// IE6 fixes for missing CSS features
function initIE6(){
// Support :hover on selectable rows
$(“table.selectable tr”).hover(function(){
}, function(){
// Add [rel=delete] replacement class
// Add [type=text] replacement class
$(“#artistinfo input[type=text]”).addClass(“typetext”);
// PNG support
var src = this.src;
var div = document.createElement(“div”);
// Set replacement div properties =;
div.className = this.className;
div.title = this.title || this.alt; =
“progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='” + this.src +
“', sizing=‘scale’)”; = this.width + “px”; = this.height + “px”;
// Replace image with transparent div
CFC on Rails:
Only two surfaces of a box: