Jack Slocum's Ext library in Rails

If anyone is familiar with Jack Slocum’s revolutionary Ext javascript
library (http://www.extjs.com) and wishes to use it with Rails (instead
of the traditional Prototype / Scriptaculous duo), I’ve create a
combination vendor/plugin and javascript library to help you.

If ye be brave and know how to use SVN:
Ext on Rails: http://www.extonrails.com

Chris S. wrote:

If anyone is familiar with Jack Slocum’s revolutionary Ext […]
FWIW: after a lot of patient waiting and testing other libraries and
such I jumped into EXTJS with both feet. I heartily encourage this.

If ye be brave and know how to use SVN:
Ext on Rails: http://www.extonrails.com
Chris just persuaded me to give RoR more consideration than I had in the
past. RoR/EXTJS might just be a dandy combination.

greets to the group


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