Hi folks,
Just curious if there is any overlap between some of the work IT++ is
doing vs what is already in GNURadio:
IT++ download | SourceForge.net
Can someone help me understand some of the differences in
implementations and if there is any code sharing occurring?
Timothy Brown wrote:
Just curious if there is any overlap between some of the work IT++ is
doing vs what is already in GNURadio:
IT++ download | SourceForge.net
There is overlap only in the sense that each project implements many
similar DSP algorithms.
Can someone help me understand some of the differences in
implementations and if there is any code sharing occurring?
The IT++ library, is just that, a (very) detailed toolbox of functions
one may link into an application. GNU Radio is a combination of
algorithms and runtime for building software radios.
It is at least conceivable that one could write custom GNU Radio signal
processing blocks by wrapping some IT++ functions in GNU Radio “work
functions”. We do this, for example, with the external FFTW library.
Johnathan C.
Corgan Enterprises LLC