I have to use the IT++ library (it’s a C++ library) to write a new GNU
RADIO block. But I can’t do this: I import the library as usual in
“modulename_nameblock.cc” by
#include <itpp/base.h>
then I create a vector in the method work
vec a;
a = (“1, 2, 3, 4”);
but I get the error
error: ‘vec’ was not declared in this scope
after type “make” !
Usually if a want to compile a C++ file using the IT++ library I have to
g++ -o file_name file_name.cpp -litpp
How can I do the same thing into GNURADIO ?
Is there anyone that can help me ? Please !!!
I use GNURADIO 3.3.0 end Ubuntu 9.10.
did you check the namespace usage ?
You have to specify somewhere that is an itpp::vec.
Oscar T. wrote in post #963564:
did you check the namespace usage ?
You have to specify somewhere that is an itpp::vec.
Hi Oscar,
I’ve tried to specify it by means
using namespace itpp;
using itpp::vec;
but I get the error:
gr-howto-write-a-block-3.3.0/lib/.libs/libgnuradio-howto.so: undefined
reference to `itpp::Vec::operator=(char const*)
gr-howto-write-a-block-3.3.0/lib/.libs/libgnuradio-howto.so: undefined
reference to `itpp::Vec::free()’
Simply I’m trying to create a vector in the block howto_square2_ff, just
to verify if it will be still compiled right after including it++
I think I’ve to specify somewhere what library to use. But I don’t know