Issue with Results from GR-CDMA

Hello sorry for the last message thought i attached my screenshot
results at first. I am having some problems as to whether the
information from the cdma transmission and reception are accurate. I
have posted my screenshots for clarification
The first screenshot is from executing the “cdma_txrx.grc” which seems
to test well I believe because moving the sliders around and threshold I
am able to notice when it performs tracking and acquisition of the
signal automatically.
The second screenshot is me loading two USRP’s. This is the execution of
the "cdma_tx.grc file with the UHD:USRP Sink and its WX GUI FFT Plot. My
issue here is the FFT plot doesn’t look right to. By the way the channel
model for this is AWGN. running the
“cdma_tx.grc” file, I proceed to go to my other laptop and run the
“cdma_rx.grc” file which is connected to that USRP(UHD USRP SOURCE. The
image above is what I get. In the beginning it seems to be acquiring the
packets then a few seconds later a lot of invalid packets get detected.
Overall all are these images close to what I should be seeing.