Hello all,
I posted this on the railsforum website as well, and haven’t received
any response, so I figured I’d try and get a bit more exposure by seeing
if anyone here and on the mailing list would be able to assist: I’m
having an extremely strange issue with respect to partials.
I have an empty fieldset, with an id of “claim” that in the initial
view, I have set to:
<%= render :partial => 'claim', :layout => false %>
In the render file, I have a legend followed by 5 divs setting up a
4-field form (1 select, 3 text inputs) and a button, which is
conditionally either an “Add” or an “Edit”, that I’m using Prototype to
utilize AJAX submissions of the record being added or edited into the
Here’s the top of the partial:
- Claims
- <% remote_form_for @full_quote_ho_claim, :url =>
‘Javascript.void(0)’, :html => {:id => ‘ClaimForm’} do |form| %> -
- <%= form.label :description, ‘Description:’ %>
- <%= form.text_field :description, :size => 50, :maxlength => 50
%> -
- <%= form.label :cause_of_loss, ‘Cause of Loss:’ %>
- <%= form.select :cause_of_loss, @causesOfLoss %>
- <%= form.label :date_of_loss, ‘Date of Loss:’ %>
- <%= form.text_field :date_of_loss, :size => 10, :maxlength => 10
%> -
- <%= form.label :amount_of_loss, ‘Amount of Loss:’ %>
- <%= form.text_field :amount_of_loss, :size => 15, :maxlength =>
15 %> -
- <% if @modify == false %>
- <%= submit_to_remote ‘add_claim_btn’, ‘Add Claim’, :url =>
{:controller => :full_quote_ho_locs, :action => :add_claim, :id =>
@full_quote_ho_loc.id, :full_quote_ho_model_id =>
@full_quote_ho_model.id}, :update => {:success => ‘claim’, :failure =>
‘notice’} %>- <% else %>
- <%= submit_to_remote ‘update_claim_btn’, ‘Update Claim’, :url =>
{:controller => :full_quote_ho_locs, :action => :update_claim, :id =>
@full_quote_ho_loc.id, :full_quote_ho_model_id =>
@full_quote_ho_model.id, :full_quote_ho_claim_id =>
@full_quote_ho_claim.id}, :update => {:success => ‘claim’, :failure =>
‘notice’} %>- <% end %>
- <% end %>
This portion of the code always renders fine. Now, I’m trying to go back
and display a listing directly underneath the form allowing a user to
see all claims they have just added, edited, or removed. This portion
shows up perfectly the first time, but doesn’t show up after I add a
claim, edit a claim, or remove a claim. It doesn’t make sense to me,
since the whole thing (top with the form, and bottom with the view) are
all in the same partial, _claims.html.erb.
Here’s the bottom of the partial:
- <% if !@full_quote_ho_claims.blank? %>
<th>Cause of Loss:</th>
<th>Date of Loss:</th>
<th>Amount of Loss:</th>
- <% @full_quote_ho_claims.each do |claim| %>
- <% remote_form_for claim, :url => ‘Javascript.void(0)’ do |form|
%><td><%= claim.description %></td>
<td><%= claim.cause_of_loss %></td>
<td><%= claim.date_of_loss %></td>
<td><%= claim.amount_of_loss %></td>
<td><%= submit_to_remote 'edit_claim_btn', 'Edit Claim', :url
=> {:controller => :full_quote_ho_locs, :action => :edit_claim, :id =>
@full_quote_ho_loc.id, :full_quote_ho_model_id =>
@full_quote_ho_model.id, :full_quote_ho_claim_id => claim.id}, :update
=> {:success => ‘claim’, :failure => ‘notice’} %>
21.<%= submit_to_remote ‘remove_claim_btn’, ‘Remove Claim’,
:url => {:controller => :full_quote_ho_locs, :action => :remove_claim,
:id => @full_quote_ho_loc.id, :full_quote_ho_model_id =>
@full_quote_ho_model.id, :full_quote_ho_claim_id => claim.id}, :update
=> {:success => ‘claim’, :failure => ‘notice’}, :html => {:style =>
“background: red”}, :confirm => ‘Are you sure you wish to remove this
claim?’ %>
23. <% end %>
24. <% end %>
26. <% end %>
27.The controller code is relatively the same for all actions, and I’m
experiencing the problem with all of them once I submit an AJAX request,
no matter which one it is. The thing is, the partial is rendered with
the same state in the initial view as it is after any AJAX requests.And the weirdest part is, if I move the <% end %> tag from the end of
the top half of the partial to the end of the bottom half of the partial
(extending the remote_form_for to the end of the partial instead of just
to the form part) then the topmost record does show up. Does anyone have
any idea what’s going on?Just for reference, here’s the controller code:
- class FullQuoteHoLocsController < ApplicationController
- before_filter :setupFullQuoteHoModel
- layout “fqho”
- def setupFullQuoteHoModel
@full_quote_ho_model =
7. @full_quote_ho_loc = FullQuoteHoLoc.find(params[:id])
8. end
10. def variables_from_params(modify)
11. if params[:full_quote_ho_claim_id] != nil
12. @full_quote_ho_claim =
13. else
14. @full_quote_ho_claim = FullQuoteHoClaim.new
15. end
16. @modify = modify
18. refresh_claims()
19. end
21. def refresh_claims
22. @full_quote_ho_claims = FullQuoteHoClaim.find(:all, :order =>
:id, :conditions => {:full_quote_ho_loc_id => @full_quote_ho_loc.id})
23. if @full_quote_ho_claims.size > 0
24. flash[:notice] = nil
25. else
26. @full_quote_ho_claims = nil
27. flash[:notice] = ‘No claims exist for this quote.’
28. end
29. return @full_quote_ho_claims
30. end
32. def add_claim
33. controllerDropDownsSetup()
34. variables_from_params(false)
36. @claim = FullQuoteHoClaim.create({
37. :description => params[:full_quote_ho_claim][:description],
38. :cause_of_loss =>
39. :date_of_loss =>
40. :amount_of_loss =>
41. })
42. @full_quote_ho_loc.full_quote_ho_claims << @claim
44. render :partial => ‘claim’, :layout => false
45. end
47. def edit_claim
48. controllerDropDownsSetup()
49. variables_from_params(true)
51. @full_quote_ho_claims = refresh_claims()
52. render :partial => ‘claim’, :layout => false
53. end
55. def update_claim
56. controllerDropDownsSetup()
57. variables_from_params(false)
60. @full_quote_ho_claim = FullQuoteHoClaim.new
62. render :partial => ‘claim’, :layout => true
63. end
65. def remove_claim
66. controllerDropDownsSetup()
67. variables_from_params()
70. @full_quote_ho_claim = FullQuoteHoClaim.new
72. render :partial => ‘claim’, :layout => false
73. end
75. …
77. # GET /full_quote_ho_locs/1/edit
78. def edit
79. controllerDropDownsSetup()
80. variables_from_params(false)
81. endAs you can see, the edit is initialized the same way that all the others
are. When I first go to the edit view, the form and display show up
perfectly, with all records listed. The partial is rendered completely.
However, when I fire any of the AJAX buttons, the partial is only
half-way rendered, showing the form, but not the listing of all records.
Does anyone know why this could be the case?Thanks in advance, and for taking the time to read,