Issue installing rjb, could not create MakeFile


I’m having some problems when try to install rjb i get this message

C:\Users\PC1090\Documents\RJB\rjb-1.3.8>ruby setup.rb config
—> bin
<— bin
—> lib
<— lib
—> ext
checking for jni.h… no
*** C:/Users/PC1090/Documents/RJB/rjb-1.3.8/ext/extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:
create_rjb_makefile': no jni.h in -I$(topdir) -I$(hdrdir) -I$(srcdir) -I"C:\Program File s (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\include" -I"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_21\include\win32" (RuntimeError) from C:/Users/PC1090/Documents/RJB/rjb-1.3.8/ext/extconf.rb:77 setup.rb:535:incommand’: ‘system C:/Ruby187/Ruby1.8.7/bin/ruby
“C:/Users/PC1090/Documents/RJB/rjb-1.3.8/ext/extconf.rb” ’ failed
from setup.rb:1112:in extconf' from setup.rb:1107:inconfig_dir_ext’
from setup.rb:1321:in __send__' from setup.rb:1321:intraverse’
from setup.rb:1338:in dive_into' from setup.rb:1319:intraverse’
from setup.rb:1313:in exec_task_traverse' from setup.rb:1308:ineach’
from setup.rb:1308:in exec_task_traverse' from setup.rb:1097:inexec_config’
from setup.rb:878:in exec_config' from setup.rb:710:insend
from setup.rb:710:in invoke' from setup.rb:674:ininvoke’
from setup.rb:1352


Someone knows how to solve this?

On Dec 9, 7:49pm, art tav [email protected] wrote:

checking for jni.h… no

Someone knows how to solve this?

You need Java/JNI development headers and libraries for Windows to
succeed in the installation.
(that is not exclusive to Windows)

I’m ignorant in relation to where you can get those, but I bet if you
google for jni.h will get some details (perhaps JDK or something like

Luis L.