Issue in reading the contents of XLSX using roo gem

Hi All,

I have to parse through and store the contents of each cell in an array.
I wrote the following. But when i print the contents of my resultant
array “contents” all i get is [nil,nil,nil…nil]. Please correct where
i am wrong?
In the following code i am first getting what is the max number of rows
and cols i have in the xlsx file. Then run through the cells using the
lastRow and lastColumn in the for loop.

require ‘roo’
require ‘rubygems’

#Excel file instance
workbook =[0])

#Need to find the count of lastrow and last column
lastRow = workbook.last_row
lastColumn = workbook.last_column
print “Last row -”+" “, lastRow
print “Last column -”+” ",lastColumn

#parse the first sheet contents
contents = []

for i in 1…lastRow do
for j in 1…lastColumn do
print contents


Rochit S. wrote in post #1083936:

Hi All,

I have to parse through and store the contents of each cell in an array.
I wrote the following. But when i print the contents of my resultant
array “contents” all i get is [nil,nil,nil…nil]. Please correct where
i am wrong?
In the following code i am first getting what is the max number of rows
and cols i have in the xlsx file. Then run through the cells using the
lastRow and lastColumn in the for loop.

require ‘roo’
require ‘rubygems’

#Excel file instance
workbook =[0])

#Need to find the count of lastrow and last column
lastRow = workbook.last_row
lastColumn = workbook.last_column
print “Last row -”+" “, lastRow
print “Last column -”+” ",lastColumn

#parse the first sheet contents
contents = []

for i in 1…lastRow do
for j in 1…lastColumn do
print contents


First of all, it’s not necessary to pass the third argument to cell()
because by default the sheets where roo looks is the first one.
Second what are you doing here? => j=j+1 <= there’s no meaning since
the block iterates by himself, passing the next number of 1…X feature.
Third the malfunction can be because you pass #Array items to cell()
when they should be just #Fixnum items. Just cell(i, j), try that way.
The code should stay like this:

require ‘roo’
require ‘rubygems’

#Excel file instance
workbook =[0])

#Need to find the count of lastrow and last column
lastRow = workbook.last_row
lastColumn = workbook.last_column
print “Last row -”+" “, lastRow
print “Last column -”+” ",lastColumn

#parse the first sheet contents
contents = []

for i in 1…lastRow do
for j in 1…lastColumn do
contents.push(workbook.cell(i, j))
print contents

 contents.push(workbook.cell(i, j))

Thanks a lot igorjorobus. This worked :slight_smile: