Hi, I’m new to nginx. I’m looking for a small but fast and powerful
web server for a Windows production server. I just downloaded the
Windows version and tested it with a Python backend server in fastcgi
mode and it seemed to work fine. I wonder if the Windows version is
stable enough for production servers?
I think that for windows server it’s better to use IIS than another
server software. However, I think test NginX on Reactos.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
I use NGINX under Cygwin on Windows for a small scale website now, and
it is very stable as so far.
Usually I leave it several months alone, and it is healthy.
While, it is NOT fast.
Robert Kwok
Is there any particular reason that using IIS is better?
Is it stability? Or functionality? I just need a small and fast server,
preferably something that’s also available on Linux. This way I’ll
just need one set of configuration for both platforms.
I have only used nginx on Debian, and I must say it is very good. I
had a hard time getting used to the rewrite configuration. I have not
had a
chance to run nginx on Windows. But as for Linux, I would vouch for it
On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 7:28 PM, jlist9 [email protected] wrote:
Laurence J.
- “Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but
where you heard it.”
Thanks for the explanation.
From my experience with running some other web servers that
were originally developed for Linux then ported to Windows, speed
isn’t the main concern, stability is. This is probably because most
people use (and test) the Linux version while not many are actually
using the Windows version so the Windows port tend to have
more bugs. One web server I tried freezes after running for a month
or two, and another has some a memory leak problem in a particular
scenario. In both cases the version number of the Windows port
is lower than the Linux version. Hence why my concern here is mainly
stability and readiness for production servers.
Thanks Robert. I haven’t been too impressed by Cygwin’s performance.
Have you tried the native Windows version 0.7.58? I understand
it’s the development version and it’s probably not ready for its prime
time yet but the fact that it’s a native build itself sounds like it’s
worth trying.
nginx was designed for linux/bsd, where it is built on top of
which alows it to be as fast as it is. Windows does not have that, it
IOCP instead, but nginx does not support it yet. So it relies on select,
which is much slower.
I did not try newest native windows binary.
I’d tried some early released native windows binaries, but them all had
a problem that Nignx gave up to serve pages several times.
At these times, it’s not halt or quit. It worked again when it rest for
a little time.
Forgive my poor English, sorry for no time to check it correct.
Robert Kwok
ur,I plan to use the official nginx for windows build .But I read this
topic ,I don’t know how to.
Posted at Nginx Forum:
If you meant the windows build on nginx’s home page, i suppose you
could just download it and run it?
éƒæŒ¯ç«‹ Wrote:
I use NGINX under Cygwin on Windows for a small
scale website now, and it is very stable as so
far.Usually I leave it several months alone, and it is
healthy.While, it is NOT fast.
Why is nginx for windows not fast ? what‘s name your website? Have you
tried the official nginx for windows?
为啥Nginx windows 版本è¿è¡Œä¸å¿«å‘¢ï¼Ÿä½ 的哪个网站地å€æ˜¯å¤šå°‘ï¼Ÿä½ æœ‰å°è¯•è¿‡å®˜æ–¹å‘布的nginx win32 版本å—?
Posted at Nginx Forum:
jlist9 Wrote:
If you meant the windows build on nginx’s home
page, i suppose you
could just download it and run it?On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 1:36 AM, usen68 wrote:
ure$B!$e(BI plan to use the official nginx for
windows build .But I read this topic ,I don’t know
how to.
Yes,I have download it just now. It yet run under windows xp. And I run
it with PHP 5.2.9-2.
是的,我已ç»ä»Žnginx.net 下载了nginx最新版。并æˆåŠŸçš„在windows 下è¿è¡Œå®ƒã€‚
If you understand Chinese,you can visit my blog.There’s an article
about how to use Nginx and php under windows.
å¦‚æžœä½ æ‡‚æ±‰è¯çš„è¯ï¼Œä½ å¯ä»¥è®¿é—®æˆ‘çš„åšå®¢ã€‚在我的åšå®¢é‡Œæœ‰ä¸€ç¯‡æ—¥å¿—讲如何在windows 下é…ç½®PHP å’ŒNginx ååŒå·¥ä½œçš„。
My blog:http://hi.baidu.com/usen68
我说的那篇讲PHP å’ŒNginx ååŒå·¥ä½œé…ç½®çš„æ–‡ç« é“¾æŽ¥åœ¨è¿™é‡Œ
Posted at Nginx Forum:
Thanks Igor. Any timeline when it’ll be stable enough for production?
2009/5/20 Igor S. [email protected]:
On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 05:16:05PM -0700, jlist9 wrote:
Hi, I’m new to nginx. I’m looking for a small but fast and powerful
web server for a Windows production server. I just downloaded the
Windows version and tested it with a Python backend server in fastcgi
mode and it seemed to work fine. I wonder if the Windows version is
stable enough for production servers?
No, it is not stable for production.
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 08:05:50AM -0700, jlist9 wrote:
Thanks Igor. Any timeline when it’ll be stable enough for production?
At least I need to add capabiloty to run as service.
Probably, one month.
OK, thanks. Although it doesn’t bother me to run it as a user app,
Other than this, does it have any memory leak or crashing or freezing
2009/5/20 Igor S. [email protected]: