I have a webapp built using ruby on rails. The login page takes the
username and password.
When I run the application and check the development.log file I see the
passwords in that file in text format of users loggin in.
Is this common? I’m the administrator so only I have access to those
files, but still is there a way for me to tell rails not to spit out all
those lines in the log files.
Thank you, that worked. BTW, how often do you delete log files and is
there a command you use to delete the file or clear the file.
You can add something like this to your environment.rb…
#Rotate logs on server restart
config.logger = Logger.new(“#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/#{ENV[‘RAILS_ENV’]}.log”,
5, 1048576)
I believe the above settings are keep the last 5 log files, and limit
their size to 1048576 bytes. (Don’t ask me why we have that particular
file size in our config. I must have been in a strange mood that day.)
#Rotate logs on server restart
config.logger = Logger.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/log/#{ENV[‘RAILS_ENV’]}.log",
5, 1048576)
I believe the above settings are keep the last 5 log files, and limit
their size to 1048576 bytes. (Don’t ask me why we have that particular
file size in our config. I must have been in a strange mood that day.)
1048576 is exactly 1MByte (1024 x 1024)… Is that why?
8/31/2007 | 2:20 PM.
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