Is there to invoke 'previous' in Find? (or refresh the current path?)

I am writing a small script which recursively goes down a dir
hierarchy, and when it reaches a set of files, it applies a 3rd party
application which modifies those files, and prepends the name with

So for example, if i had a directory with only 1 file: C:\myDir
\myFile.txt, and I ran the app, I would end up with the following
files in c:\myDir


Basically, what i want to do is traverse down the hierarchy, when i
reach a set of files, call the app on that directory, then delete the
original, and rename the new file so that the “Mod-” is removed.
Unfortunately, the Find function doesnt see the newly created file,
and thus i cant delete & rename. My code looks something like this:

Find.find(startingDir) do |path|
system(“myapp #{path}”)
puts path
if File.basename(path) =~ /^Mod-/
if File.exists?(path.sub(‘Mod-’, ‘’))
File.delete(path.sub(‘Mod-’, ‘’))
File.rename(path, path.sub(‘Mod-’, ‘’))

I was wondering if there was a way to reset the path one level up
(i.e. where “puts path” is above), that way the current directory
would be refreshed, and the new files would be recognized.



On 9/28/07, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:


This is unacceptable. One does not “bump” a mailing list, especially
if one’s original mail was sent less that 24 hours ago. Sending a
wasteful message with no content will not incline anyone to answer
your question more quickly. Please do not do it again.

sorry for that…generally i post on forums, and i have never felt
that bumping a thread on a forum was a no no…but i can understand
why it would be so on a mailing list.

i am just a bit eager to solve this problem…

On Sep 27, 4:10 pm, “[email protected][email protected] wrote:


I was wondering if there was a way to reset the path one level up
(i.e. where “puts path” is above), that way the current directory
would be refreshed, and the new files would be recognized.

I don’t think so. You’ll probably have to use Dir.glob, keep a
separate array of paths already visited and manually rewind back to
your queue.

You post does give me some devilish ideas for my file-find library,
and made me reconsider the implementation in general. I think I should
use (instead of Dir.foreach) and iterate over the file list
using the returned handle. That way I can use Dir#rewind, and “fast
forward” to a given point in an array of already visited paths. You
may want to consider that approach as well.

I’ll also post what I come up with for file-find. :slight_smile:



On Sep 28, 1:12 pm, Daniel B. [email protected] wrote:

\myFile.txt, and I ran the app, I would end up with the following

    File.rename(path, path.sub('Mod-', ''))

your queue.

You post does give me some devilish ideas for my file-find library

Ok, here’s what I came up with. First, I added a Rule#previous method,
which shows you the file you iterated over previously (or nil, if it’s
the first match). With this in place you can do something like this:

require ‘file/find’

rule =
:name => “z*.h”,
:path => “/my/include/sys”

rule.find{ |file|
if file == ‘zone.h’
# Rename zone.h
puts file

The rewind code isn’t the zippiest thing, but it works.

How does that look?



On Sep 27, 2007, at 4:10 PM, [email protected] wrote:


this makes no sense at all - you know that the file is created -
you don’t care if find sees it. all you need to do is

require ‘fileutils’

Dir.glob(‘/’) do |src|
next if test ?d, src

dst = “Mod-#{ src }”

cmd = “app #{ src }”
system cmd

abort “<#{ cmd }> failed with <#{ $?.inspect }>” unless
$? and test ?e, dst

FileUtils.rm_f src dst, src

or am i missing something here?


a @

Hi Dan,

I’m guessing ‘file/find’ is a gem of yours? I wasnt able to find it
using the gem command.

Hi ara,

I don’t necessarily know that the file is created, since I provide the
directory containing the files to the 3rd party app, and it make not
have successfully modified all the of the files.

My thought process is something like this:

  1. traverse down the directory tree, when i reach a specified file
    type, i know i have found one of the many directories which contain
    the files i want to modify,
  2. pass the directory to the 3rd party app, and it does its thing, and
    hopefully the files are modified correctly (even if some or not, i do
    not want to stop the script, i would like it to continue on, modifying
    and renaming
  3. refresh the current directory, go through each of the files, if the
    original file exists, and the modified one, delete the original, and
    rename the modified.
  4. back to step 1

Hope this clears things up a bit

On Sep 28, 2007, at 4:05 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Hi ara,

I don’t necessarily know that the file is created, since I provide the
directory containing the files to the 3rd party app, and it make not
have successfully modified all the of the files.

sure but if

  • it modified correctly you can do the move yourself
  • it did not then simply do nothing or blow up

either way it does not seem essential that find picks this file up
since you are clobber a file it already found right?

original file exists, and the modified one, delete the original, and
rename the modified.
4. back to step 1

Hope this clears things up a bit

hmmm i’m not following, you say ‘pass the directory to the 3rd party
app’ but your code reads

Find.find(startingDir) do |path|
system(“myapp #{path}”)
puts path
if File.basename(path) =~ /^Mod-/
if File.exists?(path.sub(‘Mod-’, ‘’))
File.delete(path.sub(‘Mod-’, ‘’))
File.rename(path, path.sub(‘Mod-’, ‘’))

so you skip over all directories and only process files? let’s
assume the app actually does process directories at a time. then the
problem is pretty each

def has_the_right_kind_of_files entries
entries.detect{|entry| entry =~ %r/whatever/}

def scour pathname = ‘.’
if test ?d, pathname
glob = File.join pathname, ‘*’
entries = Dir.glob glob

 if has_the_right_kind_files(entries)
   system "app #{ pathname }"
   entries = Dir.glob glob

 entries.each{|entry| scour entry}

dirname, basename = File.split pathname
match, src = %r/^Mod-(.*)$/.match(basename).to_a
if match pathname, File.join(dirname, src)

not that the above code will work first shot - but you get the idea:
simply process the directories before recursing into them.


a @