I did a test in a job interview and one of the questions was something
make an algorithm that prints the sum of the first 4 million even
of fibonacci sequence.
in the test I wrote pseudo code, but now I’m trying to test my logic
with ruby:
num1 = 1
num2 = 1
next_number = 0
total = 0
1.upto(4_000_000) do
next_number = num1 + num2
num1 = num2
num2 = next_number
total += num2 if((num2 % 2) == 0)
puts total
is there any way to have the total value?
is this a good code or there is a clever way to write it?
I don’t have a working copy of ruby on me, but I feel like a more
way of implementing it would be the following. The hacky bit with the
is to get a memoized collection of Fibonacci numbers (source: ruby - Fibonacci One-Liner - Stack Overflow). I had a
pretty awesome mind blown feeling when I saw that answer the first time.
n = 4,000,000
fib = Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = k <= 1 ? k : h[k-1] + h[k-2] }
is there any way to have the total value?
is this a good code or there is a clever way to write it?
I think the code is OK - except your looping condition. It does not
match the problem description.
Kind regards
Yes I expressed myself bad
the problem was really to loop through 4 million numbers of fibonacci
and if the current number was even you should add to the total,
the interviewer checked my pseudo code and found it correct