I get a string back from ffmpeg : “00:00:03.10” ( “hh:mm:ss” )
which class should I use to get it converted into 3.10 sec ( float)
thanks for your feedback
I get a string back from ffmpeg : “00:00:03.10” ( “hh:mm:ss” )
which class should I use to get it converted into 3.10 sec ( float)
thanks for your feedback
I tried :
output = “00:00:03.10”
output.split(’:’).inject(0){|a, m| a = a * 60 + m.to_f}
=> 3.1
is there any better way ?
You could convert the string to a time object and pick out the
specific parts you want. This might come in handy if you want to store
the time in the database at some point.
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