Is there an online reference that describes all the Ruby $… variables?
Are there any search engines that allow you to search for something like
$: ? Is there anything in the Rdocs?
Personally, I’m very happy with the list of $… variables found in the
2nd edition of Ruby P.ming. However a few of my colleagues do not
have a copy of this book. While I try to avoid using them there are
times when it’s almost unavoidable. For example, I haven’t found any way
to append new directories to the Load Path $: within my Ruby code
(specifically my Rakefile).
The first version includes them, and is available online (and even as a
package for local installation in some distros). I believe the location
is, though that seems currently down for
Is there an online reference that describes all the Ruby $… variables?
Are there any search engines that allow you to search for something like
$: ? Is there anything in the Rdocs?
You also may take a look at the ‘English’ library, from the stdlib
(RDoc Documentation). It gives explicit names to the predefined
global variables. At the same time, it’s a good resource for describing
meanings.’s copy of the Pragmantic Programmer’s Guide is different
(older?) than phrogz.
I did a lot of custom markup and CSS from the source code (awesomely)
offered up for free by the original authors, but I think the source
file is likely the same.
This link:The Ruby Language
takes me to the right page but the #… didn’t work.
Can’t imagine why. What OS/browser/version? That page validates as
correct HTML 4.01 Transitional, and there is 1 and only 1 element on
that page with the ID “predefinedvariables”.
The sub-page anchor works for me in both Safari and Firefox on the Mac.’s copy of Pragmantic Programmer is different (older?) than phrogz.
…but I think the source file is likely the same.
Hmmm. On the Language page in particular, phrogz version is very
different. The ruby-doc and ruby-central versions seem to be the same.
The Language page stops after:
Variables and Constants
Scope of Variables and Constants
—end of page—
Next link goes to Classes and Objects
But in phrogz version Variables and Constants appears at the 1/3 mark on
the page. Also the index interface is completely different. Phrogz
copy goes on to list
Predefined Variables (the very next section)
Method Definition
Class Definition
Module Definition
Access Control
Blocks, Closures & Procs
—end of page—
Next link goes to Classes and Objects - same as the other copies
This link:The Ruby Language
takes me to the right page but the #… didn’t work.
I went back and it worked this time. Must have been Gremlins :-o
Thanks for mentioning $LOAD_PATH, Olivier. Googling it turned up
multiple hits but none in any ‘standard’ Ruby sites. Searching on came up blank as well. Like sooo many things it’s
community knowledge.
Thank you again,
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