I’m looking at my code for optparser and it’s ugly. For 90% of my
options all I really want is a one-liner but the standard form for
opts.on() is…
opts.on( ‘-f’, ‘–file FILE’, ‘output file’ ) do |file| @params.file = file
Is there any way to clean that down to a one-liner like: @params.file = opts.on_str( ‘-f’, ‘–file FILE’, ‘output file’
I’ve tried adding a new method to optparse, but I can’t figure out how
to pass the list-of-args in.
On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 6:40 AM, larry fast [email protected]
That cannot work because #on_str is executed at option definition time
while the block is executed at option parse time.
I’ve tried adding a new method to optparse, but I can’t figure out how
to pass the list-of-args in.
To me it seems you haven’t fully understood how OptionParser works.
OptionParser.new creates a parser definition which is executed during
of the methods of the #parse family. Btw. that’s the same for other
command line option parsing libs - and it cannot be differently because
need the complete option spec before you can start parsing a command
What’s the big deal about having option definitions on multiple lines?
why don’t you just use {} instead of “do … end”?