Is there a way to change $uri variable?

In .conf file, is there a way to change $uri variable?

I want to do something like:
try_files ${uri}.sub(/test$/, “dev”) @mongrel

I know there is rewrite function, but I do not use it because I want to
keep the original $uri value to the @mongrel section.

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 09:46:30AM +0100, Nanyang Z. wrote:

In .conf file, is there a way to change $uri variable?

I want to do something like:
try_files ${uri}.sub(/test$/, “dev”) @mongrel

I know there is rewrite function, but I do not use it because I want to
keep the original $uri value to the @mongrel section.


location ~ ^(/.+)test$ {
    try_files  $1dev   @mongrel;

Igor S.