I’ve been reading around on the various acts_as_taggable implementations
(DHH plugin, gem, steroids plugin) and I’m a bit confused as to which
one to use…
All of the documentation that I’ve read says that the DHH plugin is the
one to go with, but if that’s the case why has it been moved to the
legacy folder under http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/plugins/ ? Isn’t
that one supposed to be available on Rails 1.1+ ? And if it’s been made
legacy, what is the replacement?
I have Rails 1.2.3 installed, but when I try to run script/plugin
install acts_as_taggable it says that the plugin can’t be found. Should
I import it from the legacy folder? Will it be phased out???
Sweet IPU (BBHHH), someone write some current documentation on this!!!
I believe acts_as_taggable (along with simply_helpful and some others)
has been rolled into Edge rails. There is no replacement, it is now
part of the core. If you are not using Edge you can use the the http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/plugins/legacy/ folder. Any
documentation you find on acts_as_taggable should still be relevant.
I believe acts_as_taggable (along with simply_helpful and some others)
has been rolled into Edge rails. There is no replacement, it is now
part of the core. If you are not using Edge you can use the the http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/plugins/legacy/ folder. Any
documentation you find on acts_as_taggable should still be relevant.
I believe acts_as_taggable (along with simply_helpful and some others)
has been rolled into Edge rails. There is no replacement, it is now
part of the core. If you are not using Edge you can use the the http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/plugins/legacy/ folder. Any
documentation you find on acts_as_taggable should still be relevant.
I’ve been looking into the Edge solution as you suggested, but it
actually looks like the acts_as_taggable plugin has been retired
altogether. I found this in the changelog for
plugins/acts_as_taggable/README at dev.rubyonrails.org
Proof-of-concept plugin intending to demonstrate ActiveRecord’s
polymorphic associations. It’s not intended for production use and no
enhancement tickets are being accepted.
To add tagging to your own application, either build your own models
based on this pattern, or check out one of the various community
supported plugins:
I’ve been looking into the Edge solution as you suggested, but it
actually looks like the acts_as_taggable plugin has been retired
altogether. I found this in the changelog for
plugins/acts_as_taggable/README at dev.rubyonrails.org
I’m catching up with the news. I have an application in production with
this plug-in and didn’t know about its defunct status until now.
Of course we’ll move on, but I’m left wondering what was so wrong with
this plug-in that it didn’t even deserve being extracted like the
It seems fickle. Up on the shoulders of the community one day and down
in the gutter the next.
Of course we’ll move on, but I’m left wondering what was so wrong with
this plug-in that it didn’t even deserve being extracted like the
It seems fickle. Up on the shoulders of the community one day and down
in the gutter the next.
It still works fine though. I upgraded an app to Rails 2.0.2 last
night and had to get acts_as_taggable working with it again. Only
problem I ran into was having to add :join_table to my
acts_as_taggable call in the model.
Anyone have thoughts on acts_as_taggable_on_steroids v.s
scalable_acts_as_taggable (http://agilewebdevelopment.com/plugins/
scalable_acts_as_taggable)? With these different versions it has me
slightly confused