Is Ruby like PHP?

Specs (for whatever reason): Windows 10, 64bit

The reason why I am asking is because I am in love with the IDEA of Ruby… but I am not too fond of being in the command line.

I am somewhat familiar with PHP and MySQL (using PhpMyAdmin) at a basic level so I don’t stay in any command lines; I am used to being in a GUI as I am a visual learner and even when I have learned things, I tend to make infographic illustrations for my brain to correctly categorize concepts. Being in the command line gives me a headache lol

When I do things in PHP, i RARELY, if ever, go into the command line. I am REALLY willing to give RUBY a chance though. I am just having such a hard time setting up the freakin environment just so I can have some fun. I don’t mind the headaches of learning to write websites in RUBY, but settings up the environment from the command line is such a pain,
With PHP Xampp stack, I am up and running within minutes.
I am looking for a similar experience because I seriously want to give RUBY a chance but I have a hard time doing things in a command line.
Is there any way I can get things into GUI form at all ?

Ruby has a visual installer on Windows (no need for commands in the command line):

Also, you can build GUI apps in Ruby very simply (just install the glimmer-dsl-libui gem and follow the open-source project instructions to build GUI apps):

There are other more advanced GUI libraries under the Glimmer umbrella too, but I would try Glimmer DSL for LibUI first in case it is enough before checking out other Glimmer GUI libraries (which have more complicated setup instructions):

If you want to be good at what you do, better change your thinking. If this is to be a problem - “because I don’t like working in a console” - I suggest you give up programming as such :slight_smile:

Try some IDE and share with us if that made some difference.

I suggest the most elaborated one possible, so maybe give RubyMine a go: RubyMine: The Ruby on Rails IDE by JetBrains

I suspect you will minimize the need to interact with the Operative System Shell console, AND you still will have access to a Ruby console any time you need it.

If you give it a go please let us know if it helped or not somebody with your conditions.

For interacting with the Database I strongly suggest DBeaver:

Thank you.

lol i went to Elixir because of its Ruby flavored syntax and although I was in the cmd, it was actually working… ultimately I dove into Elixir and learned alot about functional programming and took the paradigm back with me to PHP.
Now I do Functional PHP =D.
it felt like I long ride lol even though it was only a month,I was spending hours every day trying to figure this stuff out


Ruby and PHP are both programming languages, but they have some differences in terms of syntax, design philosophy, and areas of application. Here are some key points comparing Ruby and PHP:


  • Ruby has a more elegant and expressive syntax compared to PHP. It emphasizes readability and developer happiness with a focus on simplicity.
  • PHP has a more traditional syntax and is known for its procedural style, although it also supports object-oriented programming.

RubyMine is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for Ruby development. It provides a rich set of features, including code highlighting, autocompletion, debugging tools, and more. RubyMine offers a graphical interface that can make your Ruby development experience more visual and user-friendly.