Is 'require "rubygems" necessory?

I create a sample app in padrino. orm is sequel and db is sqlite3 as
default. When I rake sq:migrate:auto, it will failed because of database
is not loaded. So I run the irb, and in irb require ‘sqlite3’ failed.
But It will be ok if I require ‘rubygems’ before require ‘sqlite3’. Is
'require “rubygems” necessory?

I create a sample app in padrino. orm is sequel and db is sqlite3 as
default. When I rake sq:migrate:auto, it will failed because of database
is not loaded. So I run the irb, and in irb require ‘sqlite3’ failed.
But It will be ok if I require ‘rubygems’ before require ‘sqlite3’. Is
'require “rubygems” necessory?

It is if you are using ruby 1.8.x. Since ruby 1.9 the gem directories
are part
of the path by default, so it isn’t needed any more.

Fela W. wrote:

I create a sample app in padrino. orm is sequel and db is sqlite3 as
default. When I rake sq:migrate:auto, it will failed because of database
is not loaded. So I run the irb, and in irb require ‘sqlite3’ failed.
But It will be ok if I require ‘rubygems’ before require ‘sqlite3’. Is
'require “rubygems” necessory?

It is if you are using ruby 1.8.x. Since ruby 1.9 the gem directories
are part
of the path by default, so it isn’t needed any more.

You are right. All the gems include sequel and padrino is lastest except
the ruby is 1.8.7. Must I install the ruby 1.9 to develop padrino app?

gem env:
H:\study\fybjy\myoa>gem env
RubyGems Environment:

  • RUBY VERSION: 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i386-mingw32]
  • INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: H:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
  • RUBY EXECUTABLE: H:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe
    • ruby
    • x86-mingw32
    • H:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
    • C:/Users/limux/.gem/ruby/1.8
    • :update_sources => true
    • :verbose => true
    • :benchmark => false
    • :backtrace => false
    • :bulk_threshold => 1000
    • “install” => “–env-shebang”
    • :sources => [“”]
    • “update” => “–env-shebang”

On 5/8/2010 9:19 AM, mengjiang Liu wrote:

of the path by default, so it isn’t needed any more.

You are right. All the gems include sequel and padrino is lastest except
the ruby is 1.8.7. Must I install the ruby 1.9 to develop padrino app?

No, you just have to require rubygems before using them.

Have you ever use padrino? I find this issue after i do fellow it’s

在2010-05-08 23:55:14,"Walton H."
[email protected] 写道: