Is it possible to use mingw32-make instead of nmake on windows for compiling gems?

Title says it all … I was just wondering, because nmake seems to
bomb out on a lot of gem installations I try to do.
Especially with error messages like this

trustfundbaby wrote:

Title says it all … I was just wondering, because nmake seems to
bomb out on a lot of gem installations I try to do.
Especially with error messages like this

I’m able to run the mingw version of ruby with rails and it works. I’m
not sure if all the gems are available for it, but…

I know I was able to compile the win32-api [using the devkit].

Thanks for the post though, I finally got my hands on that monaco font
to help round out my textmate/aloha theme for Ruby Netbeans

On Aug 19, 12:23 am, Roger P. [email protected]

But thats with the one-click installer only right?

On Aug 19, 12:23 am, Roger P. [email protected]