On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 4:48 AM, amir e. [email protected] wrote:
A very important principle in Ruby is that every thing is object.
I read somewhere that there is no primitive operation in Ruby in
traditional form and every operation is class.
Now if every thing is object , then why + , - , * , ^ , ^^ isn’t
class Although they are primitive operation ?
ps : If you test these codes , error happen : +.class -.class *.class
Those are methods, the Ruby interpreter uses syntactic sugar to make
look like operators.
1.methods.grep(/^[\W]/) # => [:-@, :+, :-, :*, :/, :%, :**, :==, :===,
:>, :>=, :<, :<=, :~, :&, :|, :^, :[], :<<, :>>, :+@, :=~, :!~, :!, :!=]
(the leading colons means these are symbols, if you aren’t familiar with
symbols, you can think of them as a slightly different type of string)
There are only three relevant things that I can think of right now
aren’t objects. Let us say that a thing is relevant as a nonobject if it
means you can’t manipulate it like an object (ie pass it as an argument,
store it in a variable, and call methods on it). The first is boolean
methods like “&&” and “||”, the second is keywords like “class”, and
the third is variables, which point to objects but are not objects
themselves, thus cannot be pointed to by other variables.
Using my above definition of “relevant”, it is not relevant that
and blocks aren’t objects (in MRI), and I think it is better for your
health and your understanding of the language if you forget that
piece of pedantic trivia.