IronRuby r112 is out

This is the release that we used to run the Rails functional test this

I had to modify two files in Rails to work around some missing
functionality in IronRuby today. I’ve attached these files to this mail.
They are:


There were three reasons to make these changes.

  1.  In inflector.rb, we have a workaround around a missing feature 

in String#gsub (replacement via \1 and \2)

  1.  In initializer.rb, we have a workaround around a missing feature 

in Dir#glob (we don’t handle [_a-z] correctly)

  1.  In initializer.rb, we're commenting out the call to 

initialize_database since we don’t have our .NET ActiveRecord adapter
working yet (it’s in progress).

I’ve attached these two files to this mail if you want to try it out
yourself. Note that when creating the Rails app, I’ve also frozen the
copy of rails via:

rake rails:freeze:gems

Note that there is a new svn\trunk\libs directory in this build. You’ll
need to create an alias that uses the -I command line switch to IronRuby
to correctly include this path AHEAD of other paths (such as the path
to your MRI installations’ lib\ruby\1.8 and lib\site_ruby\1.8\

Here’s a sample ir.cmd file that we use internally.

%MERLIN_ROOT%\bin\debug\ir.exe -I

Note that the new Ruby\Libs directory shows up at the end of the list
(this is a bug in how we parse -I). The order is important.
