IronRuby on Rails and IIS 6 or IIS 7

Is there a way to get IronRuby on Rails to work under IIS6 or IIS7? I
have seen some articles about Ruby on Rails, but not IronRuby. I guess
it wouldn’t be too difficult since these are both MS apps. I just cant
find how to do it, sure the built in tester for rails is there for
development, but i would like a static always-on-solution for some
serious testing of my app as well as available to anyone who can hit
the web server.
–Nick should
have the info you need.

Did this not show up in a web search? Could the web site be better
organized? Just wondering how we could make it easier for people to get
to the info on

I think the problem is that the information really isn’t complete. The
IIS stuff isn’t even on this page, it’s in the IronRuby.Rack readme,
which I have yet to have success with.

It probably is a configuration issue for me.

I could never get it to actually run anything through Rack.

I’ll try again at some point very soon and note what I’ve tried. I was
just a little frustrated last time, so I didn’t write anything useful

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Jimmy S.


IronRuby.Rack lets you run Rack-based applications on IIS, like Rails.
Read more here:

Basically get the IronRuby source code, build IronRuby.Rack.sln, and try
the IronRuby.Rails.Example app; it will run Rails in IIS. If it doesn’t
work, it’s probably just a configuration issue, so please let me know.
The next release of IronRuby will be accompanied by a build of
IronRuby.Rack.dll, if you’d rather wait until then.

Robert, what problems have you been having? I’ll want to capture common
issues in the docs, and also make sure you’re unblocked.


I can get it to work kind of… (IronRuby.Rack) but it doesn’t show
for me. everything else works great.

Here’s an example of a file. Although in rails I put the bin
folder and web.config file in the public folder and change the app root
setting in web.config.

Met vriendelijke groeten - Best regards - Salutations
Ivan Porto C. - Mob: +32.486.787.582
Web: -
Author of IronRuby in Action (
Microsoft IronRuby/C# MVP

yeah I am getting the same thing. Even just pulling the image up
directly. in firefox says the image is corrupt.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Brian Sullivan
[email protected]wrote:

on shipping 1.0!


Posted via

Ironruby-core mailing list
[email protected]

“The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be

Ivan, I’m having the same problem. Everything else seems to work, but
no images show up. The image URLs generated by the framework seem to be
correct, but I get broken image icons when I paste those URLs directly
into the address bar.

It seems odd, because other types of static content (css files and
index.html) seem to come down just fine. Not sure whether this needs to
be tweaked in Rails, IIS, or the Rack implementation.

Any guidance from the IronRuby team here? Thanks, and congrats
on shipping 1.0!


As I’ve already said:

There’s also a bug with serving binary files, so images won’t work, but that’ll be fixed for this release.


On Apr 17, 2010, at 12:00 PM, “Bobby J.”
<[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:

yeah I am getting the same thing. Even just pulling the image up
directly. in
firefox says the image is corrupt.

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Brian Sullivan
<mailto:[email protected][email protected]mailto:[email protected]>
Ivan, I’m having the same problem. Everything else seems to work, but
no images show up. The image URLs generated by the framework seem to be
correct, but I get broken image icons when I paste those URLs directly
into the address bar.

It seems odd, because other types of static content (css files and
index.html) seem to come down just fine. Not sure whether this needs to
be tweaked in Rails, IIS, or the Rack implementation.

Any guidance from the IronRuby team here? Thanks, and congrats
on shipping 1.0!


Posted via

Ironruby-core mailing list
mailto:[email protected][email protected]mailto:[email protected]

“The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be

Ironruby-core mailing list
[email protected]mailto:[email protected]


Apologies, my searches didn’t turn up that particular comment. Didn’t
mean to make you repeat yourself. :slight_smile: Looking forward to future releases
of IronRuby and Rack for IIS!
