Hi folks,
I’m new to Rails. I picked up Simply Rails 2 by Patrick Lenz a few weeks
ago and I finally sat down to get stuck into it. I have Rails installed
on my iMac (OS X Leopard) and I can load up the Rails Welcome screen at
localhost:3000 without any issues.
My problem is with running IRB within Terminal.
If I try to run:
irb> 1
I receive the error:
dyld: NSLinkModule() error
dyld: Symbol not found: _rl_filename_completion_function
Referenced from:
Expected in: flat namespace
Trace/BPT trap
I have no idea why this is appearing or how to fix it.
My setup is:
Ruby version 1.8.6 (i686-darwin9.5.0)
RubyGems version 1.3.0
Rails version 2.1.2
Active Record version 2.1.2
Action Pack version 2.1.2
Active Resource version 2.1.2
Action Mailer version 2.1.2
Active Support version 2.1.2
Application root /Users/cormacmoylan/shovell
Environment development
Database adapter sqlite3
Database schema version 0
Thanks for any assistance in the matter.