Hi. I’m using ruby version : ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111)
[i386-mswin32] and I’m trying to figure out where irb config file is
located, but no success at all. Would anyone help me on this?
Well, may be this will give you some help
require ‘rbconfig.rb’
include Config
On Dec 28, 10:41 am, “Ken A.” [email protected] wrote:
Hi. I’m using ruby version : ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111)
[i386-mswin32] and I’m trying to figure out where irb config file is
located, but no success at all. Would anyone help me on this?
IRB configuration file (.irbrc) will be located in your HOME
IRB will try to find it in “~”, being it the user HOME folder.
Since by default HOME isn’t set on Windows, don’t know if IRB fall
back to try other locations.
I suggest you set it
Please do it like this:
Control Panel → System → Advanced → Environment Variables
Under “User variables” hit new and fill:
Name: HOME
Use %HOMEDRIVE% and %HOMEPATH% instead of %USERPROFILE%, this works
with corporative environments where profiles are being stored in
different places than users HOME (and with roaming profiles).
Thanks everybody for the great tips … I just managed to configure the
.irbrc file, tested and it’s working fine
I’m not on Windows, but I made an IRB gem which requires IRB’s config
file (usually .irbrc) and I got the following as a documentation
Windows users have a couple options. The easiest is to define an
environment variable called IRBRC and set it to the full path of your
irbrc (e.g. “C:\Documents and Settings\_irbrc”). Presto, .irbrc for
Windows. You could also set your HOME-Variable to any directory you
want and put your “.irbrc” in there. (It needs to be called “.irbrc”,
“_irbrc” won’t work). Since Windows Explorer won’t let you create a
file with a dot in the beginning, use any text editor (Notepad will do
just fine) and “Save As” to save it as “.irbrc”. (The quotation marks
make the magic happen.) We don’t recommend this if you’re also using
MSYS or Cygwin, as they use the same variable for their own purposes.
I’m hoping it’s correct because I put it in the README for the gem.
Giles B.
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