Invoking bash from Ruby

I’m a novice at Ruby, although I’ve been introduced to its syntax by
virtue of working with Puppet for the past 2 1/2 years. As a sys admin,
I’m most comfortable working with bash, but I recognize that there are
things that a
scripting language can’t do - like interacting with a database. So I’m
writing some Ruby code to extract text out of an HTML file and then
insert it into a mySQL database. I’ve been using Nokogiri to get some
formatted text, but also need to get some text that’s easy enough to get
with a scripting language like bash. Specifically, I need to do this:

grep “Date:” $1 | cut -d’ ’ -f3-5

Is there an easy way to embed this logic within Ruby code - or, better
yet - a way to do the same thing in Ruby?

There are a number of ways of executing system code from Ruby. As you
are familiar with Bash, the easiest would probably be to use a pair of
backticks “``” to execute code. Ruby returns the output as a string.

date = `grep "<strong>Date:</strong>" $1 | cut -d' ' -f3-5`

You may also use the executable string notation “%x{}” which is similar
to Bash’s “$()” notation.

date = %x{grep "<strong>Date:</strong>" $1 | cut -d' ' -f3-5}

You can check the exit status using “$?” as you would in Bash as well.
However, an object is returned so you will want to compare

There are also commands like “system”, “exec”, “spawn”, etc., which make
other shell features accessible.

Jamal Wills

Thanks for the quick reply! I’ve substituted $1 with ARGV[0], as I
believe that’s proper Ruby syntax for a command argument, but I’m still
having trouble getting the grep command to treat the argument as a file

Here’s the entirety of my code:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

fn = ARGV[0]
puts fn
date = %x{grep “Date:” fn | cut -d’ ’ -f3-5}
puts date

And here’s the result when I run it on the command line:

pablo@pmenaws1=> ./extract_date_written.rb myfile.html
grep: fn: No such file or directory

I’m hoping this is a newbie mistake that is easily remedied. Thanks
again in advance.

Yes; use string interpolation to insert the variable’s content into the

foo = ‘world’
puts “Hello, #{foo}!” # outputs: Hello, world!

It works the same for backticks and the percent string-like notation
(but you’ll have to use %X with uppercased X, similarly to how you
have to use strings in quotes instead of in apostrophes to be able to
interpolate in them).

So this would be (note: code untested):

date = %X{grep “Date:” #{fn} | cut -d’ ’ -f3-5}

Also, if the contents of fn come from the user, you should escape it
somehow to prevent them from executing arbitrary commands in your
shell environment!

– Matma R.

I knew someone would set me straight. Thank you so much!

By the way, ultimately the contents of “fn” will come from a script and
not from a user, so there should be no potential security holes.

Paul M. wrote in post #1089118:

So I’m
writing some Ruby code to extract text out of an HTML file and then
insert it into a mySQL database. I’ve been using Nokogiri to get some
formatted text, but also need to get some text that’s easy enough to get
with a scripting language like bash. Specifically, I need to do this:

grep “Date:” $1 | cut -d’ ’ -f3-5

Is there an easy way to embed this logic within Ruby code - or, better
yet - a way to do the same thing in Ruby?


Testing Hello world
no no no no no no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a b c d e f g


fname = ARGV[0]
start_column = 3
end_column = 5

target_range = (start_column-1)…(end_column-1)

IO.foreach(fname) do |line|
if line.match(/Date:</strong>/)
pieces = line.split(" ")

puts pieces[target_range].join(":")


$ ruby my_prog.rb data.txt

So I’m
writing some Ruby code to extract text out of an HTML file and then
insert it into a mySQL database. I’ve been using Nokogiri to get some
formatted text, but also need to get some text that’s easy enough to get
with a scripting language like bash.

Nokogiri provides myriad ways to locate any text in an html file.
For instance:

require ‘nokogiri’

fname = ‘data.txt’
@doc = Nokogiri::XML(

my_xpath ="//strong[text()=‘Date:’]/following-sibling::div[1]"

@doc.xpath(my_xpath).each do |div|
puts div.text.split(" “)[2…4].join(”:")

$ ruby my_prog.rb

I recognize that there are
things that a
scripting language can’t do - like interacting with a database.

What scripting language is unable to interact with a database?

mysql> use mydb;
mysql> select * from people;
| id | name | info |
| 1 | Jane | 3 4 5 |
| 2 | John | a b c |

require ‘mysql2’

client = => “localhost”, :username => “root”)

client.query(“USE mydb”)
results = client.query(“SELECT * FROM people”)

results.each do |row|
puts “#{row[‘id’]} #{row[‘name’]} #{row[‘info’]}”

client.query(“INSERT INTO people(name, info) VALUES(‘Jeff’, ‘7 8 9’)”)
results = client.query(“SELECT * FROM people”)

results.each do |row|
puts “#{row[‘id’]} #{row[‘name’]} #{row[‘info’]}”

rescue Mysql2::Error => e
puts e.errno
puts e.error
client.close if client

1 Jane 3 4 5
2 John a b c

1 Jane 3 4 5
2 John a b c
3 Jeff 7 8 9

mysql> select * from people;
| id | name | info |
| 1 | Jane | 3 4 5 |
| 2 | John | a b c |
| 3 | Jeff | 7 8 9 |

Thanks again for numerous suggestions. I’m learning that Ruby is a rich
and versatile language.

Am 14.12.2012 19:15, schrieb Paul M.:

grep “Date:” $1 | cut -d’ ’ -f3-5

Is there an easy way to embed this logic within Ruby code - or, better
yet - a way to do the same thing in Ruby?

Yes, you can do this easily without using Bash:

pattern = %r{Date:}
File.readlines(‘testfile.txt’).grep(pattern).each do |line|
p line.split(’ ')[2…4]


[“2”, “3”, “4”]
[“b”, “c”, “d”]


$ cat testfile.txt
Date: 1 2 3 4 5
another line without Date
Date: a b c d e
yet another line