Inviting Talk Proposals for the Great Lakes Ruby Bash

We are pleased to announce that we are accepting talk proposals for
the Great Lakes Ruby Bash to be held in Ann Arbor, Mich. on Saturday,
October 11th.

Talks that are either 30 minutes or 1 hour in length are requested.
You can specify whether you could provide your talk in either (or
both) lengths of time.

Anything that’s related to Ruby is welcome. Here are some possible

 * The Ruby lanugage itself
 * Interesting techniques or approaches in Ruby
 * Useful and cool libraries, new or old
 * Web frameworks such as Rails, Merb, etc.
 * Software development philosophies or techniques
 * Using Ruby in interesting ways or contexts
 * The business side of Ruby and/or Rails
 * Whatever you think would be interesting to the Ruby community....

Please submit your talk proposals to:

Additional information about the conference, including registration,
can be found at:

Thanks! We look forward to hearing from you.

– The Great Lakes Ruby Bash Volunteer Brigade