Invisible methods and inheritance


Does anyone know the reason for the following?

p rio(’.’).all.dirs.methods.include?(“each”)
p rio(’.’).all.dirs.methods.respond_to?(“each”)


I can call dirs.each, but I am trying to trace which .each method is
called in the rio source. Also how can I find the parent/superclass
class of a class? (ie. something like Array.parent?)


On Apr 13, 2007, at 15:42 , Leslie V. wrote:


Does anyone know the reason for the following?

p rio(’.’).all.dirs.methods.include?(“each”)
p rio(’.’).all.dirs.methods.respond_to?(“each”)


I think you meant:

p rio(’.’).all.dirs.respond_to?(“each”)

you don’t want to ask the result of methods if IT responds to each,
you want to ask the result of dirs.

I can call dirs.each, but I am trying to trace which .each method is
called in the rio source.

Don’t forget that things like method_missing (and even respond_to?)
can be overridden.

Also how can I find the parent/superclass
class of a class? (ie. something like Array.parent?)

=> Object

Remember, ri is your friend, just ask it what you asked us and you’ll
often find your answer:

% ri superclass
------------------------------------------------------- Class#superclass
class.superclass -> a_super_class or nil

  Returns the superclass of _class_, or +nil+.

     File.superclass     #=> IO
     IO.superclass       #=> Object
     Object.superclass   #=> nil

On 4/14/07, Ryan D. [email protected] wrote:

called in the rio source.
Remember, ri is your friend, just ask it what you asked us and you’ll
Object.superclass #=> nil

Thanks Ryan. It seems I am much more tired than I thought I was :wink: