Greetings. I’m not sure if this is a bug, or something in my
environment. I tried to start as clean as possible.
Before I describe my troubleshooting, it seems like “ruby extconf.rb”
for pango is creating a BAD rbpangoversion.h file
I tried a few versions, and it seemed to break between 0.90.5 and 0.90.6
The generated rbpangoversion.h file contains the following under 0.90.6
#define PANGO_TAG_VERSION (b7)
Under 0.90.5 it creates
On this test machine. I indeed have
I’ve seen it do this on other machines too.
Where the heck is it getting PANGO_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 from?
This is from a fairly clean install using the latest
ruby-1.9.2-p180.tar.gz and pkg-config-1.0.8.gem for my ruby distro
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Ahh. I think I found the reason why.
This comes from
This is used for the library which doesn’t support version info.
def make_version_header(app_name, pkgname, dir = “src”)
version = PKGConfig.modversion(pkgname).split(/./)
version = “2.0b7”.split(/./)
(0…2).each do |v|
What’s that 2.0b7 doing there?
It looks like this was introduced between mkmkf-gnome2.rb -r3967 -r4007
2011/3/16 Grant S. [email protected]:
What’s that 2.0b7 doing there?
I guess it was written for testing purpose.
I have deleted it from svn repo.
Thanks for your report.
on new build
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Vincent C.
I’m sorry for my late response because my mail domain’s mail
server is still down by the earhquake in Japan…
In AANLkTi=aHOvsMUWUsoTBTw8Qkn4xT3R+gtJ9dpWN8=removed_email_address@domain.invalid
“Re: [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] invalid version of pango for 0.90.6
andlater on new build” on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 18:18:42 +0100,
Vincent C. [email protected] wrote:
What’s that 2.0b7 doing there?
I guess it was written for testing purpose.
I have deleted it from svn repo.
Yes. It’s my fault.
Thanks for fixing it!
Thanks for your report.
And thanks for reporting too!
In the next coming months I hope to help out alot more. I just
“inhertited” a nice chunk of Ruby/GTK code. Something I will be stuck
with for awhile. I am more used to dealing with kernel’s and hardware
directly. this GUI stuff… hmm… human interaction? :>
But I love Ruby. And Gnome is basically the default GUI evironment on
computers these days. So I might as well get and learn it.
From: Kouhei S. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thu 3/17/2011 6:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] invalid version of pango for 0.90.6
andlater on new build
What’s that 2.0b7 doing there?
I guess it was written for testing purpose.
I have deleted it from svn repo.
Yes. It’s my fault.
Thanks for fixing it!
Thanks for your report.
And thanks for reporting too!
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Good to hear your there and ok. It was funny, at work(I am in US) I
overheard two different “cube units” talking about “I hope Matz is ok”
and also “what about the other guys that do…xyz”
Oh yes, and I was also wondering… is the power for
Going to be stable?
Anyways, take care. Keep clear.
I had a dream last night that Sir Elton John was leading a party of
nuclear surviors through some canyon. That is a good sign right? … hmm
Sorry this has nothign to do with gnome2-devel. I just thought a little
shinny light would be good.
From: Kouhei S. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thu 3/17/2011 6:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] invalid version of pango for 0.90.6
andlater on new build
I’m sorry for my late response because my mail domain’s mail
server is still down by the earhquake in Japan…
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