Using Ruby in NetBeans I’ve got following error in separate cases with
/.so:1: Invalid char `\220’ in expression.
What is it about ?
Using Ruby in NetBeans I’ve got following error in separate cases with
/.so:1: Invalid char `\220’ in expression.
What is it about ?
On Sep 10, 1:00 pm, MAwiniarski [email protected] wrote:
Using Ruby in NetBeans I’ve got following error in separate cases with
gems:/.so:1: Invalid char `\220’ in expression.
What is it about ?
By coincience, I stumbled over the exact same error message yesterday
while making a wrapper for some ruby scripts. It turned out I had
accidentally called ruby.exe with the ruby.exe executable as argument,
for example (simplified):
system("ruby c:\\ruby\\bin\\ruby.exe")
‘\220’ is 0x90 HEX and the third byte (after two ASCII chars) in a
Windows executable or DLL. Ruby doesn’t like that when attempting to
parse an executable.
Hope it helps,
On 10 Wrz, 13:26, Lars C. [email protected] wrote:
while making a wrapper for some ruby scripts. It turned out I had
I’m using it with NetBeans Rails project, running Rake Task db:create
(already defined command).
On 10 Wrz, 13:26, Lars C. [email protected] wrote:
while making a wrapper for some ruby scripts. It turned out I had
Maybe *.so files needs to be saved in a different encoding (ASCII,
UTF, …) ?
While using gems with NetBeans,
I’ve created new Rails Project
then generated Scaffold
then I want to create database
using Rake Task db:create :
and gets:
…/ Invalid char `\220’ (’’) in expression.
I’ve installed mysql ruby gem earlier. And comes with this
The answer to topic question is to use pure Ruby interpreter in
NetBeans, NOT NetBeans’ JRuby.
On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 21:18, MAwiniarski [email protected]
By coincience, I stumbled over the exact same error message yesterday
Hope it helps,
LarsMaybe *.so files needs to be saved in a different encoding (ASCII,
UTF, …) ?
.so is usually renamed dll file (on windows) or the library itself (on
linux), so no encoding change needed.
What are you doing when you get this error?
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