Introducing Shale, a Ruby object mapper and serializer for JSON, YAML and XML

Hi, I released Shale, a Ruby gem that allows you to parse JSON, YAML and XML and convert it into Ruby data structures, as well as serialize your Ruby data model to JSON, YAML or XML.


  • convert JSON, XML or YAML into Ruby data model
  • serialize data model to JSON, XML or YAML
  • generate JSON and XML Schema from Ruby models
  • compile JSON Schema into Ruby models (compiling XML Schema is a work in progress)

A quick example so you can get a feel of it:

require 'shale'

class Address < Shale::Mapper
  attribute :street, Shale::Type::String
  attribute :city, Shale::Type::String

class Person < Shale::Mapper
  attribute :first_name, Shale::Type::String
  attribute :last_name, Shale::Type::String
  attribute :address, Address

# parse data and convert it into Ruby data model
person = Person.from_json(<<~JSON) # or .from_xml / .from_yaml
  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "address": {
    "street": "Oxford Street",
    "city": "London"

# It will give you
# =>
#  #<Person:0xa0a4
#    @address=#<Address:0xa0a6
#      @city="London",
#      @street="Oxford Street",
#      @zip="E1 6AN">,
#    @age=50,
#    @first_name="John",
#    @hobbies=["Singing", "Dancing"],
#    @last_name="Doe",
#    @married=false>

# serialize Ruby data model to JSON
  first_name: 'John',
  last_name: 'Doe',
  address: 'Oxford Street', city: 'London')
).to_json # or .to_xml / .to_yaml

For full documentation with interactive examples go to:
Source code is available on GitHub: GitHub - kgiszczak/shale: Shale is a Ruby object mapper and serializer for JSON, YAML, TOML, CSV and XML. It allows you to parse JSON, YAML, TOML, CSV and XML data and convert it into Ruby data structures, as well as serialize data structures into JSON, YAML, TOML, CSV or XML.

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