Introducing noise/ considerable BER

I have been working in usrp2 testbed, and I have been modifying the
benchmark_tx and rx programs for my project. There have been situations
where I was supposed to introduce noise to find out BER. I did that by
giving lower transmitter amplitude values. But very low values cause
loss along with higher BER values. I just want to know if there Is there
anyway to just cause high BER values, without causing packet loss? Is
any way I can do that inside the program or should I do it by any other
way using some noise producing source?

On 08/06/2011 06:27 PM, shantharam balasubramanian wrote:

I have been working in usrp2 testbed, and I have been modifying the
benchmark_tx and rx programs for my project. There have been
situations where I was supposed to introduce noise to find out BER. I
did that by giving lower transmitter amplitude values. But very low
values cause packet loss along with higher BER values. I just want to
know if there Is there anyway to just cause high BER values, without
causing packet loss? Is there any way I can do that inside the program
or should I do it by any other way using some
noise producing source?
Well, in real-world radio communications systems, low-SNR does cause
packet loss. That’s entirely expected. Nature doesn’t discriminate
between packet-synchronization data, and the actual payload data.

On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 3:54 PM, Marcus D. Leech [email protected]

any way I can do that inside the program or should I do it by any other way
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

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Perhaps he could design a long preamble sequence, many symbols, and use
to correlate against. That way you can assure packet lock, but symbol
decoding might not always work.

As Marcus pointed out, there will always be packet loss associated with
higher BER in real systems that employ packet switching. The only thing
could suggest is that you somehow move further upstream in your receive
system to make the BER measurement happen at the bit/symbol level if you
really want it to be accurate. Otherwise you can just collect data for
packet loss rate, and the BER of obtained packets, since that is the
thing you have to work with. The packet loss statistic may be important

Suggestions from anyone for moving the BER measurement closer to symbol

On Sun, Aug 07, 2011 at 02:47:10PM -0400, Daniel Zeleznikar wrote:

As Marcus pointed out, there will always be packet loss associated with
higher BER in real systems that employ packet switching. The only thing I
could suggest is that you somehow move further upstream in your receive
system to make the BER measurement happen at the bit/symbol level if you
really want it to be accurate. Otherwise you can just collect data for both
packet loss rate, and the BER of obtained packets, since that is the best
thing you have to work with. The packet loss statistic may be important
Suggestions from anyone for moving the BER measurement closer to symbol

It’s not quite clear what exactly you’re trying to do. Here’s some more

  • Don’t use benchmark_{tx,rx} scripts, but write something that doesn’t
    do CRC checks on packets. However, you still have to synchronize,
    that’ll eventually conk out at very low SNR.
  • Don’t use USRP’s at all. If you’re running simulations (e.g. to test a
    channel coding scheme), do it all in GRC. You can either use the
    channel model that comes with GNU Radio to increase SNR, or, of you
    want to stick to bits, try the Channel Coding Toolbox from which includes some elaborate
    bit error models.


giving lower transmitter amplitude values. But very low values cause packet

Dan Zeleznikar
[email protected]
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(216) 233-6232

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Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin B.
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association

Hello people,

Thanks a lot for the reply. So, you are saying that the packet loss at
low transmitter amplitude in and come
from the loss of packet synchronization data, i.e., a part of the
packet synchronization data gets lost or degraded due to low SNR. I
know that packet loss also occurs if the queue length is not long
enough to hold incoming traffic or if the data reaches the receiver
after a long time. I want to ensure that these things don’t happen.

Basically, we are trying to transmit a random binary sequence between
two nodes using the and programs.
Since both these programs use packets, we convert the whole binary
sequence into a number of packets and then transmit each packet using
the benchmark programs. Let us say, we have 2000 bits in total. We
convert it to 20 packets (100 bits/packet) and then transmit 20
packets from one node to the other. We want to calculate the bit error
rate for different levels of transmitter amplitude.

Based on our objectives, I have the following questions.

  1. Is there any upper limit on the no. of binary bits per packet in program?

  2. Overall can I take other steps to get rid of the packet loss
    scenario ? Adam, can you please describe the generation of long
    preamble in further details ?

Your help and feedback will be highly appreciated.


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 11:34 AM, shantharam balasubramanian
[email protected] wrote:

Basically, we are trying to transmit a random binary sequence between

  1. Is there any upper limit on the no. of binary bits per packet in program?

  2. Overall can I take other steps to get rid of the packet loss
    scenario ? Adam, can you please describe the generation of long
    preamble in further details ?

Your help and feedback will be highly appreciated.


Keep in mind the old information theorist’s adage: if you don’t have
bit errors, you’re using too much power! (ok, I don’t know how old
that is; fred harris always quotes it, but he credits someone else
with it, probably Tony Constantinides).

In other words, we normally design our systems around having bit
errors, and indeed we recognize that they are unavoidable except under
extreme SNR conditions. To compensate, you really want to you some
kind of channel coding. The way things are in our benchmark code, a
single bit error means that an entire packet is lost.



In radio systems, I agree–bit errors are a fact of life, and you can
cope with them either with protocol design, or
“frame design”. The trend in the last couple of decades for radio
systems has been to incorporate some sort of
FEC, to reduce the impact of channel distortions–the receiver can
simply reconstruct from the FEC data, or,
force a re-transmit. Systems that use FEC almost always assume that
there’s a higher-layer protocol mechanism
in place for dealing with packets that were too damaged to decode,
and thus must be re-transmitted.

On the other hand, there are plenty of extant wired communications
systems in which bit-errors are exceedingly rare.
The various Ethernet standards for example, assume that bit errors
aren’t common, and there’s no FEC (at least at
100Mbit and 10Mbit levels–I’m not sure about 1000Mbit and

The problem is that many communications/networking engineering types who
are new to radio don’t really understand, on a
visceral level, that the radio channel environment is different from
wired, not just in degree, but in type, of channel distortions.
And further, their experience with a channel model for wireless may
include only simulations, rather than “real world”.

My very earliest internet connection at home, back in the mid-to-late
1980s, was wireless. Over an amateur-radio 56KBps radio
link using a “split repeater” on 220Mhz and 432Mhz. It wasn’t a very
nice environment. Various RFI issues, hidden-terminal issues.
Collisions. Multi-path. Receiver de-sense. And a complete lack of
any FEC. Given all of that, I’m stunned that LTE and WiFi and all its
modern friends work at all :slight_smile:

Marcus L.
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

I’m also surprised they get LTE to work…16 b/s/hz
spectralefficiency…thats pretty up there.

And LTE-Advanced is spec’ing 30 bits/sec/hz at peak spectral
efficiency…which makes my head hurt just thinking about the
complexity both in the RF hardware as well as the PHY processing to
achieve this.

John O.
CEO/System Architect
Epiq Solutions

I think that many RF and wireless designers make a lot of assumptions as
well and never admit to the horror of the mobile channel. LTE is not
really realizing the needed increase in capacity to justify the rollout
of all of the needed infrastructure in my opinion but now everyone is
in”. I am sure Sprint and others are happy LTE and WiMax are both
lots of problems.

It is truly exceedingly difficult to enable MIMO big gains when lots of
mobile channels, each a horror, need to be managed to achieve any real
advantages. Welcome to reality! Verizon can’t put a cloud computer at
every cell site to enable the rapid channel inverse caclulations and
solution per user to optimize the system.



On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Marcus D. Leech [email protected]

in place for dealing with packets that were too damaged to decode, and
visceral level, that the radio channel environment is different from
modern friends work at all :slight_smile:

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Also point to point wireless comm. with a single antenna is also more or
less a solved problem these days. Unless you are trying to do something
in a
weird channel or with very very low power. I guess they have said
“coding is
dead” many times in the past and have been wrong. Or thought CDMA or
king, etc, etc.

Things are more interesting when you look at PHY/MAC cross layer work.

I’m also surprised they get LTE to work…16 b/s/hz
spectral efficiency…thats pretty up there.