Hi, I’m sorry that this is a bit Off Topic, but I was wondering if
there’s a good resource that you could point me to for understanding
internationalization, localization and encodings. With the new support
in 1.9 and in other tools also, I want to learn the basics and see how
they apply to Ruby.
Any suggestions?
(Again, apologies for the slight OT nature of this post).
Hi, I’m sorry that this is a bit Off Topic, but I was wondering if there’s a
good resource that you could point me to for understanding
internationalization, localization and encodings. With the new support in
1.9 and in other tools also, I want to learn the basics and see how they
apply to Ruby.
In addition to all the resources mentioned (which are great), my book
has a chapter on it:
First, thanks for both your replies. I will see the links more
carefully in the next couple of days.
Richard C. wrote:
Are you looking for a general introduction to these concepts, or a Ruby
specific one? Or both?
Actually, I’m looking for both. Having always programmed in English on
projects where supporting English was completely acceptable, I feel the
lack of connection to the issue altogether. I want to gain a
clear-enough understanding of this issue so that I’m then able to work
with it comfortably.
Given that, I’d like to start to play with the concepts in a language
that gets out of the way and lets me learn the problem area… hence, my
interest in learning it through Ruby since I anyway use Ruby as much as
I use C/C++.
It might be a good idea to float this question on http://www.stackoverflow.com - its probably asked a lot,
and is probably well answered.
Thanks again for the links. I’m sure I’ll be back with more questions
9/29/2009 | 12:39 AM.
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