I’m working on a program, and I need to do case-insensitive search with
international characters on it, like:
ñáéíóúàèìòùäëïöü and so on.
Anyway, I found a way of implementing it, but I don’t quite like it
because it would implies create the autocomplete function for each
autocomplete I have in my project.
The way of doing so I found is to change the condition from:
LOWER(column) like ‘%thing_downcased%’
column ~* ‘thing_downcased’
and replacing the international characters for the [ñÑ] kind of
expression, like this:
name ~* ‘la [ñÑ]apa’
and it actually works (at least with postgresql), but then, I would
need to do the substitution everytime I do a search, and I would need
to reimplement the autocomplete function for each autocompletion with
the new schema.
Any better idea?,
Ildefonso Camargo