
Hi There,

I have been using rails for the last 6 months and loving every minute of
it. I decided it would be smart to dive into learning the in’s and out’s
of Ruby. I bought Beginning Ruby, Programming Ruby, and the Ruby

I am through chapter 6 of Beginning Ruby and I havent seen any mention
of GUI.

I primarily work on os x, is RubyCocoa the main way of doing GUI in ruby
on OS X?

Any tips or advice on where I can read more about GUI with Ruby on OS X
would be great.



On Oct 7, 2007, at 5:09 PM, Jason M. wrote:



Posted via

RubyCocoa is one way, and it’s the best way to achieve truly native
GUI with OS X, but it does require some Cocoa understanding, mostly
the Hillegass book. This is poised to change at the end of this month
with the new Objective-C 2 and a new XCode as well.
But, you can do GUI stuff with RubyTk, WxRuby or Qt libraries for
Ruby as well.
It’s a little less learning curve than Cocoa, but a whole different
approach and you can use that stuff for cross-platform work.

Jason M. wrote:

I am through chapter 6 of Beginning Ruby and I havent seen any mention
of GUI.

I primarily work on os x, is RubyCocoa the main way of doing GUI in ruby
on OS X?

Guess what: A GUI platform is a library, not a religion. Ruby is
The books you read are teaching you how to use Ruby, including how to
use it
with a library. When the time comes to plug in a

Any tips or advice on where I can read more about GUI with Ruby on OS X
would be great.

Not a joke: Why not use Rails to write the GUI you want, then serve it
locally? Folks are finding this technique competitive (in the >cough<
enterprise) with the ponderous desktop GUIs.

El Goog can lead you to whatever Ruby/Cocoa libraries are available.

Guess what: A GUI platform is a library, not a religion. Ruby is agnostic.
The books you read are teaching you how to use Ruby, including how to use
it with a library. When the time comes to plug in a

GUI library, you’ll be ready.

John J. wrote:

the Hillegass book. This is poised to change at the end of this month
with the new Objective-C 2 and a new XCode as well.
But, you can do GUI stuff with RubyTk, WxRuby or Qt libraries for
Ruby as well.
It’s a little less learning curve than Cocoa, but a whole different
approach and you can use that stuff for cross-platform work.

The principle of reading a book on using Ruby is to learn ruby. GUI
Programming is done using libraries, for example C, C++, and Perl do not
any thing built in for GUI programming. Yet they are some of the most
languages, even for GUI applications. You are not required to create a

So you need a GUI Library or ‘toolkit’ that suits your needs, this often
done to Windows / Mac native (some one piss on the Win32 C API please),
QT, or TK. – Programs written in GTK/QT/TK/Toolkit foo won’t look the
same as
if you used what your OS provides. But you won’t have to write the GUI
for each OS.

QTRuby is my favorite, largely because I love the C++ Documentation that
with QT, it’s great. And I find QT well enough suited to GUI
since it’s easy enough to write by hand. Even though QT Designer allows
one to
use a GUI Builder and code generation for the graphical parts make it
fast +

Java is a bit different in how it has it’s own GUI toolkit(s) but Java
is also
different in how it runs. Although I’m sure that has changed a lot since
Java Sourcebook came out… hehe.
