Given the following ApplicationController specs:
describe ApplicationController, “one facet”, :shared => true do
it ‘foo’ …
it ‘bar’ …
describe ApplicationController, “some other facet”, :shared =>
true do
it ‘abc’ …
it ‘xyz’ …
describe ApplicationController, :shared => true do
it_should_behave_like ‘ApplicationController one facet’
it_should_behave_like ‘ApplicationController some other facet’
And corresponding ApplicationController subclass specs:
describe OtherController do
it_should_behave_like ‘ApplicationController’
Both of the shared behaviour blocks get executed twice when running
the subclass specs; the specdoc output looks like:
- foo
- bar
- abc
- xyz
- abc
- xyz
- foo
- bar
And note that it’s running the shared behaviours in this order:
- ‘one facet’
- ‘some other facet’
- ‘some other facet’
- ‘one facet’
Not actually a big deal; seeing as the specs don’t have any side-
effects and running them twice is harmless, and in any case getting
rid of the nesting (putting all the specs in a single shared
behaviour block) gets rid of the duplicate. But I’m wondering, is
this a bug? Feature? Am I abusing shared behaviours?