I downloaded and installed Ruby via the One-Click installer, version
1.8.2-15. So I open a command prompt (on windows xp) and type “ruby”.
After typing “ruby” i type,
puts “Hello world!”
…but I dont see Hello world! printed out. Am I missing something, am
I doing something wrong? I happened to try pressing Ctrl+Z to exit
ruby (…forgive me I am coming from Python)…and then I saw “hello
world!” printed out…but that doesn’t seem right.
Instead of typing “ruby”, type “irb” (stands for interactive ruby).
Curt H. wrote:
Instead of typing “ruby”, type “irb” (stands for interactive ruby).
Thanks! Apparently the “Programming Ruby” .chm (help) file that comes
with ruby needs to be fixed. It says to use “ruby” 
py wrote:
No kidding! Where did it say that?
On 11/16/05, py [email protected] wrote:
I see what’s going on here. Ruby with no args reads from the standard
(in this case the terminal) and runs whatever it gets as soon as the
stream terminates, which is the “^D”, and not your enter key. If you
were to
use this technique, you would have to tye “ruby” again to execute
IRB executes and the enter key and then waits for another line to
This is, obviously, much more convenient! 
Matthew D. wrote:
No kidding! Where did it say that?
Well for the One-Click installer for Windows, version 1.8.2-15 includes
ProgrammingRuby.chm (under the ruby directory).
In that help file look under Preface/Running Ruby/Interactive Ruby
…copied/pasted below…
"Interactive Ruby
The easiest way to run Ruby interactively is simply to type ``ruby’’ at
the shell prompt.
% ruby
puts “Hello, world!”
Hello, world!
On Thu, 17 Nov 2005, py wrote:
"Interactive Ruby
But you said:
After typing “ruby” i type,
puts “Hello world!”
…but I dont see Hello world! printed out.
So did you type the end-of-file mark for your system (which is what
ctrl-d means on unix)?
Then read 7 short paragraphs and you meet IRB, which has it’s own
champter in the contents.
Curt H. wrote:
ProgrammingRuby.chm (under the ruby directory).
% ruby
I see what’s going on here. Ruby with no args reads from the standard input
Yup. I was gonna respond with this as well, but I’ll just second Curt
Get to know irb if you’re experimenting with Ruby. It’s just the kind
of thing
that a person coming from Python expects to see when they run ruby with
no arguments.
Well, almost. irb doesn’t play dumb when you want to quit.