I have this code on migration file
t.column :some_integer, :integer, :limit => 4
t.column :other_integer, :integer, :limit => 8
on mysql, I checked the datatype:
some_integer INT(4)
other_integer INT(8)
but when I tried to enter a really big number to both fields (5
billion which is bigger than INT(4) )
both got truncated to 2147483647 which is the max for INT(4), and it’s
the same when I use :limit=>2 or :limit => 1
is this mysql issue? I’m using mysql 4.1
Reynard wrote:
but when I tried to enter a really big number to both fields (5
billion which is bigger than INT(4) )
both got truncated to 2147483647 which is the max for INT(4), and it’s
the same when I use :limit=>2 or :limit => 1
is this mysql issue? I’m using mysql 4.1
If you insert some values directly in MySQL do you have the same
Michael W.
Yes it seems like mysql considers INT(n) the same as INTEGER (at least
on version 4.1 on mybox)
try doing this from mysql console
create table test (num INT(2));
it will create num as INTEGER not tinyint or smallint
if you want to specifically use smallint, tinyint, or bigint you just
have to specify
t.column :big_integer, :bigint
t.column :small_integer, :smallint
t.column :tiny_integer, :tinyint
so the :limit option is useless on mysql, is this correct?