Instructions required for RailsCron

I am writing a client-server rails app. The client and server maintain
similar databases. Periodically, I would like them to synchronize their
databases. For this, in the application, once the user logs in, I want
to spawn a background process at the client that first sends the
client’s new data and then receives the server’s new data.
I am thinking of using RailsCron for this. However, after installing
RailsCron, I am not able to figure out how to start a background
process. Do I have to explicitly start a program on command line, or can
I do it from the client application itself? The README mentions a file
called RailsCron.start. But this file is not present in the
vendor\plugins\trunk directory.
The client and server run on Windows XP.
I am pretty new to Ruby and Rails. Can you please help me?


On 2/11/06, Yash [email protected] wrote:

called RailsCron.start. But this file is not present in the
Rails mailing list
[email protected]

ruby script\runner “RailsCron.start”

Look on the Rails wiki for script/runner docs.

Kyle M.
Chief Technologist
E Factor Media // FN Interactive
[email protected]