InstantRails - command "rails" does not work


I installed InstantRails 1.7 (on Windows XP Home). I unzipped it with
7-Zip in D:\InstantRails (no spaces in pathname + short pathname) to
avoid UnZip-problems. I followed the installation instructions. The
cookbook-example works fine.

But when I want to create an own project with “rails projectname”, my
computer says something like “The command “rails” is either written
wrong or it is not found.” What do I do wrong?!!! By the way -
InstantRails already worked on this computer about a year ago. But I
deleted it in between… Did I forgot to install something?

Xxx Y. wrote:

InstantRails already worked on this computer about a year ago. But I
deleted it in between… Did I forgot to install something?

Did you run use_ruby.cmd in the console before your tried that? Seems
like a path issue.

9/9/2007 | 6:43 PM.

Xxx Y. wrote:

I discovered it by chance when I thought I’d create a script called
‘use_rails.cmd’ that would initialize the paths :stuck_out_tongue: and discovered that
there was something already there! :slight_smile:

9/9/2007 | 6:54 PM.

Mohit S. wrote:

Did you run use_ruby.cmd in the console before your tried that? Seems
like a path issue.

That’s it!! Thank you very much for your fast reply! I think it is not
written anywhere in the installation instructions…

Mohit S. wrote:

That’s it!! Thank you very much for your fast reply! I think it is not
written anywhere in the installation instructions…

I discovered it by chance when I thought I’d create a script called
‘use_rails.cmd’ that would initialize the paths :stuck_out_tongue: and discovered that
there was something already there! :slight_smile:

Actually, I run another script in that directory that opens up another
window in the same directory

start cmd /k use_ruby.cmd

This way, I have 1 windows for running the rails commands and another
for the server. I know there are many ways to achieve this, though.

9/9/2007 | 7:01 PM.