Instant Rails with Rforum

Ok I am fairly new to this and I have had probs with paths on XP so
Instant ruby seemed a good way to go, I want to put something on the
railplayground eventually maybe a swish/flash forum with some rails if I
get anywhere. Now the cookbook and typo apps that are prepacked work, I
unpacked Rforum but it seems I need some pointers about where to go next
to get it running so that I can explore, I got some ruby books but I
really want to get something up that works before I try exploring and
extending etc…

Rforum for Instant Ruby package? or suggestions. when I played with php
forums I have uploaded a mysql dump which gives you a structure you can
hack. Anyway any help appreciated.

As far as I can see Instant Rails should have everything required. I
copied default_setup.rb to setup.rb, and then looked at the source all
of it seemed to be concerned with email settings so not relevant to just
starting the application, surely I can leave it as is since not need
this functionality at this stage?

Now I was not sure where the sql was or how to get it generated. somehow
when trying to get it going it did not seem to set up properly the paths
since it could not find commands as per the documents?

Can someone just have a quick go at setting up Instant Ruby and putting
rforum in the rails_apps and just running InstantRails.exe if you guys
are hot then you will find typo or cookbook easy to get running but
something is not right in rforum. I talked to someone else that agreed
that Instant Rails had all the requirements for rforum so it must be
something in one of rforum’s files that does not like the directory
stucture of Instant Rails.

I have tried quite hard at this rate I might as well learn enough rails
to create my own simplified forum!

I seemed to have got more response from Instant Rails / ruby people so
for reference see link below.

For anyone struggling I managed to get some more help here and added
some info on how to test instant rails.

I am now looking at what can be modified skins etc. I am still only on
my desktop pc - nothing online yet.

but liking some of it a lot.
