Instance variable acting like class variable?

I’ve written a Node class that I’m using to write a few programs for in
a course.

class Node

A node represents a spot on the grid. It knows its

location and parent node, the total cost so far, and

the directions take to get to current location

attr_reader :row, :col, :cost, :direction, :parent, :collected

def initialize(row, col, cost, direction=nil, parent=nil)
@row = row
@col = col
@cost = (parent.nil? ? 0.0 : parent.cost) + cost.to_i
@direction = (parent.nil?) ? “” : parent.direction + direction
@parent = parent
@collected = (parent.nil?) ? [] : parent.collected.to_a

def to_s
“row:#{@row} col:#{@col} cost:#{@cost}”

def location
[@row, @col]

def add_collected
@collected = @collected << [[@row, @col]]

The problem is with #add_collected. When it is called its updating
@collected for all instances of Node. @collected is suppose to be an
array of arrays. I’m not sure why it’s behaving the way that it is. I’m
still a bit new to ruby. Can anyone give me some insight on why its
behaving the way that it is please. Thanks.

Mike Jo wrote:

The problem is with #add_collected. When it is called its updating
@collected for all instances of Node. @collected is suppose to be an
array of arrays. I’m not sure why it’s behaving the way that it is. I’m
still a bit new to ruby. Can anyone give me some insight on why its
behaving the way that it is please. Thanks.

  1. The method << is an in-place modifier, you don’t have to assign the
    result, you just write array<<elem and it adds elem to array.

  2. If @collected is going to be an array of two-element arrays, then you
    should write @collected<<[@row,@col] - only one pair of square brackets.
    This is because the << method treats the object on the right as an
    element and does not check if it is or is not an array. Check it
    yourself in irb:
    irb(main):010:0> a=[]
    => []
    irb(main):011:0> a<<[1,2]
    => [[1, 2]]
    irb(main):012:0> a<<[2,5]
    => [[1, 2], [2, 5]]

  3. My guess for your main problem is that you create just one instance
    of Node and then assign it to all the places where you want to keep your
    nodes. If you create your nodes like this:
    nodes=Array::new(num_nodes,Node::new(args)) then this is the case - you
    create one node and populate the array with pointers to the node. (The
    correct solution would be nodes=Array::new(num_nodes){Node::new(args)}
    because this form calls the block for each newly created elements, so
    you’d have num_nodes separate nodes.) But it’s just my guess, you’d have
    to post your code that creates the nodes to verify it.


Thomas B. wrote:

  1. My guess for your main problem is that you create just one instance
    of Node and then assign it to all the places where you want to keep your
    nodes. If you create your nodes like this:
    nodes=Array::new(num_nodes,Node::new(args)) then this is the case - you
    create one node and populate the array with pointers to the node. (The
    correct solution would be nodes=Array::new(num_nodes){Node::new(args)}
    because this form calls the block for each newly created elements, so
    you’d have num_nodes separate nodes.) But it’s just my guess, you’d have
    to post your code that creates the nodes to verify it.


I do have an array of Node objects, but I’m calling each
times I add a node to the array.


@nodes =
@nodes <<

Rick Denatale wrote:

Every instance of Node will have it’s own instance variable, BUT

assume that you do

n1 =, c1, cost1, direction1)
n2 =, c2, cost2, direction2, n1)

Now since Array#to_a returns self (i.e. the same array), n2.collected
refer to exactly the same array as n1.collected, and so any changes to
object will be visible through either instance variable.

If you change the parent.collected.to_a to parent_collected.dup then it
break this alias by making a shallow copy of the parents array at the
of initialization, but, not knowing what you are trying to do, this
might or
might not fix your actual problem.

Rick DeNatale

That was exactly what I needed. Thank you!

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 3:47 PM, Mike Mr. [email protected] wrote:

I’ve written a Node class that I’m using to write a few programs for in
a course.

class Node

def initialize(row, col, cost, direction=nil, parent=nil)

@collected = (parent.nil?) ? [] : parent.collected.to_a


The problem is with #add_collected. When it is called its updating
@collected for all instances of Node.

You are confusing the instance variable @collected with the object it

Every instance of Node will have it’s own instance variable, BUT

assume that you do

n1 =, c1, cost1, direction1)
n2 =, c2, cost2, direction2, n1)

Now since Array#to_a returns self (i.e. the same array), n2.collected
refer to exactly the same array as n1.collected, and so any changes to
object will be visible through either instance variable.

If you change the parent.collected.to_a to parent_collected.dup then it
break this alias by making a shallow copy of the parents array at the
of initialization, but, not knowing what you are trying to do, this
might or
might not fix your actual problem.

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby