I’m trying to install tar2rubyscript and rubyscript2exe. I executed the
following 2 statements:
sudo gem install tar2rubyscript
sudo gem install rubyscript2exe
Gem indicates that it installed them. In addition if I execute
gem search --local tar2rubyscript
It reports that it is installed. The problem is that I can’t find the
executable tar2rubyscript - or the ruby script tar2rubyscript.rb. The
same is true for rubyscript2exe. I even did a "find /usr -name
‘tar2rubyscript*’ - and nothing turns up.
Is there another (better) way to install these? I openly admit that I
must be doing SOMETHING wrong, but I don’t see it.
Thanks in advance.
On Jul 3, 1:44 pm, Michael S. [email protected] wrote:
It reports that it is installed. The problem is that I can’t find the
Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
refer to the online tutorial at
http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/rubyscript2exe/ and
Tar2RubyScript - A Tool for Distributing Ruby Applications
They have he answers to all the questions you were afraid to ask :>)
Hope it helps
Bernard K. wrote:
They have he answers to all the questions you were afraid to ask :>)
Actually, they DON’T have the answer to the ONE question I need to
get started:
How the heck do you get it installed where it can be used?!
In THEORY it is installed right now (gem says it is, anyway). But as I
can’t find the files tar2rubyscript and rubyscript2exe (or
tar2rubyscript.rb and rubyscript2exe.rb) anywhere, the instructions on
how to actually use those files are completely useless.
On Jul 4, 4:57 pm, Michael S. [email protected] wrote:
can’t find the files tar2rubyscript and rubyscript2exe (or
tar2rubyscript.rb and rubyscript2exe.rb) anywhere, the instructions on
how to actually use those files are completely useless.
Chiming in, quick question.
what “gem list tar2rubyscript -d” output?
Perhaps where these binaries got installed is not in your PATH, and
thus, not be able to execute them.
Also, what is the output of “gem env”?
When reporting issues with RubyGems (itself or gems that depend on
it), please provide the environment information for us to better help
you out.