What would be the best/easiest way of installing rspec as a system
wide generator so I’m not having to download it or ./script/plugin
install it every time?
Alastair M.
Freelance web design, development and consultancy
Well, you do want the plugin installed in every app so that app is
ientirely self conatained. I have a bash script called rspecify that
does all of the regular rspec commands to get up and running. Are you
looking for something similar? Here is my script (BTW, I use piston to
manage my plugins):
svn up &&
echo “Importing the rspec plugin with piston…” &&
piston import svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/rspec/tags/CURRENT/rspec
vendor/plugins/rspec &&
svn ci -m “Used piston to import CURRENT rspec plugin” && svn up &&
echo “Importing the rspec_on_rails plugin with piston…” &&
piston import
vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails &&
svn ci -m “Used piston to import CURRENT rspec_on_rails plugin” &&
svn up &&
./script/generate rspec &&
svn add spec && svn add previous_failures.txt && svn add
script/spec_server && svn add script/spec &&
svn ci -m “Adding generated rspec files, the app is now rspecified!” &&
svn up &&
echo “The app has been rspecified!”
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