I’ve found various online instructions for installing Rails on Ubuntu
but none of them are perfect. First things first, I already have Ruby
1.8.4 installed. The executable was named ruby1.8 so I alias’d it to
ruby so gem would work. I installed rubygems-0.9.2 successfully and
all the other libraries like rdoc, irb, etc.
Here is what I get when I try and install Rails:
gdboling@gdboling-laptop:~/Desktop/rubygems-0.9.2$ gem install rails –
Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Could not find rails (> 0) in any repository
Please post here about any further battles. I once installed Rails on
a Kubuntu, got it working, tried to install it on another Kubuntu
(from the same distro CD!), and never got it working. Finally I threw
in CentOS, which is a stealth RedHat.